Chapter 11: Field Training Part 2

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Everyone in the group who saw Rio fall off the cliff was dumbfounded.

「Now's our chance to exterminate them! Alphonse! Come back to your senses! We can use our magic together to defeat the goblins! Hurry!」

Roana was the first to regain her senses and shouted at Alphonse, the group's leader.

「Pr— Protect them! All men, form a wall around Christina-sama and Flora-sama! Those in the rear barrage them using attack magic. Reform the ranks! Try to avoid using fire magic, use ice if possible. Use wind or water instead if you can't use ice. Attack on my signal! Those who can use『Heal』please attend to the injured!」

Awakened by Roana's words, the students calmed down as Alphonse was finally able to issue somewhat coherent orders.


Alphonse waited for the appropriate timing and gave the order to attack.
On his signal, the students aimed at the approaching horde of goblins and unleased scores of offensive magic simultaneously.
The combined magic released by the students gave off an deafening roar as it collided with the trees and goblin vanguards while also kicking up a cloud of dust.

「We did it!」
「Ha! They're only monsters after all!」
「Goblins are merely fodder before humanity's magic!」

Looking at the scene before them, the students raised shouts of joy convinced they were victorious.


However, a dull voice was suddenly heard from within their group.
From inside the cloud of dust, several wooden spears thrown by the ogres came flying towards them.

「It— It can't be...」

The students underestimated the ogres' accuracy because of the cloud of dust and were struck one by one.
Nearly ten students had already fallen victim to the spears.
It would not be surprising if somebody was killed.
Fortunately, thanks to the presence of multiple healers in their group, nobody received a fatal hit and were able to prevent any deaths.

「Don't panic! Those who can use healing magic continue treating the injured. It was only a single attack after all! Once more, attack!」

With a competant leader, the students could efficiently work together as a robust group.
Those who could wield magic stood at the pinnacle of humanity's might, and all the students in the group were able to use magic to some extent.
Within a span of ten or so seconds, a torrent of dozens of magic attacks rained down on the goblins.
The vanguard reinforced their bodies using magic and cut down the goblins who were running towards them.
The remaining goblins and ogres were helpless under the constant barrage of magic.
Continuing for several more minutes, the students one-sidedly attacked the goblins using long ranged magic and thus finally eradicated them all.

「Nine are injured. Fortunately, nobody died. The severely wounded have also been healed by Christina-sama and Flora-sama. But, we're missing one.」

Roana confirmed the group's condition and reported to Alphonse with a sullen expression.
There was not a person among the students who did not know about the missing person. Awkwardness slowly spread throughout the group.

「Fo— For now, let's hear everyone's reports! Is there anyone who's able to share with us what happened? How did Flora fall in the first place?」

Alphonse spoke in a hurry.
Blood rushed to his head as he tried to resolve the scandal that occured under his leadership.
Alphonse looked at Flora for an explanation.

「Uh— Uhm, somebody bumped into me from behind... the one who bumped into me was...」

Flora spoke in bewilderment.
Because Stead bumped into her from behind, Flora only knew she was knocked away but not who the culprit was.
Suddenly, a student timidly raised his hand and spoke hesitantly.

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