To Asguard

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Amelia's pov

When nothing happened we all share worried looks for our home realm. I look to Thor and say,

"Let me make a phone call."

Phone call with Fury (Amelia Fury)


What is it Amelia. Are you okay?

Yes sir but I fear Asguard isn't.

You want leave don't you.

Yes Sir

Take as long as you need Barton and Romanoff can split your case-load

Thank you so much Director

Now we've done the formal bit, Be careful Amelia. I care about you, don't get hurt. And I mean emotionally and phisically.

I will try Nick but no promises. And can I borrow a jet?

Yes just make sure it comes back in one piece. You better get going

Yes I better. Take care old man.

Take care Little Freak.


"Okay everyone follow me." I say.

WE walk to the SHIELD site where I see a jet already parked out front.

Thanks Coulson.

I send telepathically.

I climb aboard and everyone follows.

"Jane hon, your beside me I can't risk anyone else touching buttons they shouldn't and we fall from 3,000 feet."

Jane makes her way to the front.

"Everyone else sit on your arse, Shit, Behind and strap in."

"Where are we going sister?" Thor askes.

"The closest soft point between this realm and Asguard."

"How long until we get there?"

"One hour"

They all prepare and I take off.

I turn to jane once we're at level.

"Soooo you and my brother?" I whisper and Jane's cheeks turn Scarlet.

"You're not angry are you?" She asks in worry

"Don't be stupid. I am happy for you Bitch. But if he breaks your heart I will break his neck." I say in a low voice

She laughs and says, "I don't expect anthing less."

We talk until it's time to land and then we all exit the jet.
"Follow me", I say

We enter the cave at the top of the snowy mountain. Treading carefully we walk until we hit a wall. Perfect.

"Sister are you sure this is the right place?" Thor asks.

"Yes I am. What? Were you expecting a huge gold door saying Asguard?" I ask sarcasically.

"No but..." He starts but Sif interupts, "Our Realm and King are in danger lets move."

"I agree, THor hang on to Jane she's not used to this" I say as I use my air powers to lift us towards what looks like rock.

"Sister! What are you doing?! Are you trying to kill us?" He shouts angrily.

"If it were easy everyone would do it." I say. (A/N see what i did there? ;) )

As we hit the portal everyone around me winces but slowly open their eyes to see our home.

"We are dead if our parents find out that we brought a mortal here." Thor says.

"Not if I say it was the only way I would visit." I reply.

"You haven't changed have you?" Volstagg asks.

"Nope!" I say popping the P.

"Let's move" I say as I hand my SHIELD gun to Jane (I taught her how to use it years ago and she went on a few sciencey missions with me).

"Follow me and you all know my rules, especially you Jane. And if you let anyone know of this portal I will kill you." I say to the group. We move until we reach the outskirts of the city.

"Sif, Warriors of 3 go to the birost Heimdall will need your help. Jane with us." I order.


Hope you like it

A.H. xx

Amelia Thor's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now