-7 : Talking in Distance

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『 Star's POV 』

" Thanks Dad ! And bye ! " I said as I got off from my dad's car. " Bye Star ! As usual, we left you some money if you want to buy food from outside. But I think there are some pizza left in the fridge " my dad said before he drove away. Since my parents are always busy and came home near midnight, I was always alone at home.

I quickly ran upstairs to my room and changed my clothes. Since I got no homework, I laid on my bed and grabbed my computer to watch YouTube. In the middle of watching a video, my phone made a " Ding ! " noise, and it only appears when someone message me. I checked my phone.

Hey Star ! It's me, Marco ! Sorry if I
interrupted you or something :/

Oh, it's Marco. I clicked on the number and saved it to my contacts immediately.

Hey Marco ! No no, it's fine tho ..
I'm not doing anything so yeah. So,
What are you up to ?

Marco 🤓
Oh, nothing. Just want to
try to text you. You know,
to make sure the number is
correct :)

Oh, okay then :)

Okay, that was one awkward text to be honest. We're not that close yet so yeah. I got nothing else to watch on YouTube again so I decided to open my Instagram. Hmm ... I wonder if Marco has a Instagram. So I searched for Marco's name. I typed in " Marco Ubaldo Diaz " and clicked the first account with the name "marcdiaz". It's him for sure, I mean even though it's private, it's obvious from his profile picture. I clicked the follow button and waited for his approval.

『 Marco's POV 』

I was scrolling through my Instagram when suddenly a notification appeared.

" Star Butterfly 😊 (starbfly) has requested to follow you "

I clicked the account and started to see her photos. Yes, definitely Star. She only posted like 6 photos but I'm sure it's her from her face. I approved his friend request and started to spamliked all of her photos. I'm not stalking or what, well I'm just bored so why not ?

Suddenly, a notification appeared. It's a message from ... Star ?

Star 😊
Hey Marco, just checking
on you cause I'm bored lmao :v

Same I'm bored. I have
nothing to do rn

Star 😊
By the way, do you watch
Harry Potter ? Just asking

Of course ! I mean,
Who doesn't ?!

Star 😊
Wait really ?!

Yeah ! Wait, you love
it too ?!

Star 😊
It's my oxygen

Finally someone who likes
things that I like

Star 😊
Not like. But LOVE,
Marco. L-O-V-E HAHAH


Ended up we talked to each other about Harry Potter, hobbies, even secrets. I checked the time. It's already 7.30 p.m. Wow, time ran out so fast. Talking to her made me feel not lonely at all like I was before. I didn't feel like a depressed unwanted guy who spends his life only watching and playing video games alone at house. She made me feel like I'm wanted.

『 Star's POV 』

Talking to Marco this whole afternoon was fun. I never expect that he likes Harry Potter ! Like seriously, I never talked about it to anyone else because I knew that nobody else likes Harry Potter. We even talked about secrets. Now I knew the detailed back story of him getting bullied so often and he knew about Tom and other stuffs. I checked the time. That's why I'm starving. It's 7.30 p.m, what did you expect? I texted Marco a short text.

Marco, I'm starving. Talk to you
later. BRB :)

Then immediately, I turned off my phone and went downstairs. I opened the refrigerator and saw some pizza left. I took it out, heated it in the microwave, went to the sofa and sat, and turned on the TV. Gladly, I was right in time when " Grey's Anatomy " started to air on Star World. Yes, I have a strange addiction to Grey's Anatomy. People in school said it was " nerds show ". Well, only because it's about bunch of interns doing their medical job yadda yadda yadda, doesn't mean only nerds watch this.

About forty minutes later, the show ended right after I fjnished my pizza. I checked the time again. Still 8.20 p.m and I didn't feel sleepy at all. I went upstairs immediately after I turned off the TV. I went on YouTube and watched some videos. Another hour past, and still, I'm not sleepy at all. So, I decided to checked my phone. As I expected, Marco texted me back.

Marco 🤓
Oh okay. I'm going to eat
too. Bye :)

Quickly, I texted him back.

Hey I'm back !

Marco 🤓
Yay ! So, you're going
to bed ?

Nah, I'm not sleepy for
some reasons

Marco 🤓
Same. Anyways, did you watch
Harry Potter and The Goblet of
Fire last two hours on HBO ?

Damn it. I missed it.
I was watching Grey's
Anatomy last two hours so
yeah :")

Marco 🤓
Don't tell me you like
Grey's Anatomy too

Again, no. I LOVE it

Marco 🤓
This is one of the reasons
you're a great best friend, Star

Why, thank you HAHA

We talked again about everything. Like literally everything. Like I said before, talking to Marco was like talking to my own diary. I can talk about everything my heart wanted me to write. He understood me really well. Well, not as well as Janna though. Janna was used to my trashy fandom talk that she didn't even understand. Well Marco, he may be a new best friend of me, but he understood me the best right now. The clock's ticking and showed me that I've been talking to Marco for one hour. That's why my eyes felt droopy. So I decided to took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, put on my blue nightgown, and jumped to my bed. I plugged in the charger to my phone after I sent the last text to Marco,

Marco, I'm going to bed.
My eyes are hurting rn.
Goodnight !

After that, without thinking any further, I covered myself with my blanket and fell asleep within five minutes.


Like I said before, if I have a lot of free time for this week, I can update this story faster and yeah. So I'm very happy that I can finish this in a week. And sorry if there are any grammatical errors.
So, for the next chapter, there's going to be a great time skip. Maybe like a month or two after this chapter, so the confession can be faster. Trust me, you can't wait for these two smol beans to confess their love, don't ya ?
Don't forget to stay tuned to find out what's going to happen next ! And also read and vote for the previous chapter and this chapter ! If you have any ideas, comment down below ! Okay, I have nothing to say again, so toodles !

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