It was always you

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Song: Little Mix - Black Magic

The following morning the boys were in the kitchen, pancakes on the stove, coffee brewing, sun beaming in through the window. Liam had his black sweat pants and a beanie on, Theo only his boxers.
Liam jiggled dramatically to the song blaring through the radio. Theo batted him away with a spatula as Liam tried twerking on him in rhythm with the song.
Theo lauged out loud "Can you stop, you freak?!"
Liam sang along in a high pitched voice "boy you belong to meee" pulling the band of Theo's boxers back and leaving it to snap back onto Theo's skin. "OW!! You little shit!!!"
He swatted at Liam with the spatula but Liam ducked away and continued dancing mockingly on the other side of the counter. They both laughed, Theo shook his head, a wide smile still plastered on his face.
Liam plopped down on the bar stool at the counter "Hey babe, how long does it take for a chimera to a make a pancake?" Liam teased "Shut up I'm almost done. I think Jenny's up" Theo said as he focused his hearing to the bedroom.
Loud cusses echoed down the hall "Aaah holy shit I cant walk!!" the girl groaned. Theo and Liam burst out laughing and extended their hands for a high five. A few moments later Jenny appeared in the door way, holding onto the frames to steady herself, her hair disheveled, "What in the hell are you two?" Jenny asked frowning at the boys.
Liam smiled, "Coffee?" But Jenny waived her hand in dismissal "I'm so late for work, I've gotta run...or hobble I guess" She walked over to Theo and gave him a peck on the cheek and then made her way over to Liam "See ya sugar lips" and she headed for the door.
"Lets do this again sometime!" Theo yelled after her "Never again!" she joked as she grabbed her jacket, shutting the door behind her.

Song: Hunger ~ Ross Copperman

The boys sat quietly at the counter eating their pancakes and drinking their coffee.
Liam was scrolling through his phone while Theo paged through a magazine.
"Would you ever go back to that?" Theo asked out of the blue.
Liam looked up at him, his mouth stuffed full of pancake "To what?"
He mumbled with a frown.
"You know...girls. I mean, like, do you miss it?" Theo asked hesitantly.
Liam was quiet for a few seconds before he reached out his hand, sliding his palm into Theo's.
"This..." Liam said softly, tilting his head to their hands and squeezing Theo's tightly "this is all I will ever want" Liam gave him a reassuring smile, his blue eyes soft.
He held Theo's gaze until he smiled back.

The boys continued eating, one hand tucked safely in the other's. Their hearts beating steadily, the wolves inside satiated. For now.

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