Spy guys

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Arianna pov

We're already at the beach. And just tanning ourselves obviously. I got hungry, so i went to the nearest beach starbucks.

I went inside, and.bought myself some of their new beach drinks.

After a while, i went back to the girls. Well, i feel that someone is watching me.. So i just used my phone, and text zach



I feel like someone is watching us..

Okay, be there

Be fast!! It might be one of your dorky, slutty ex's

Ahah!! Trade me!!

What trade??

Ill go there. But once i got there, give me a kiss


Be there in 30mins

Okay i love you

I love you too

I turned off my phone, and went back to tanning

** 30 mins later **

Well, i must say that its been 30 mins already, and no zach here.. I got worried, that he might be in a hospital or what, something etc.

Suddenly, i got a call from daniel, i nervously answered it

Phone call

D- helloo???
A- what?!
D- ari!! Thank gooddd you answered!!
A- why??
D- cause we are at the- *Loud noise camed*
A- whT?! I cant hear yuuuu
D- Zach!! Is here!!!! And.. He said he will not make it there!!
A- well fine!! (Angry voice)
D- okay i gotta g-

Hanged up....

I got mad at the fact, that he always make dumb shit excuses.

"What happened?!" amanda asked cause she heard all of the call convo
"wellllll.. Nothing!!" i said shaking my head no
"Ars, spill it!!" brook said
"well, zach is u-uhh.. Said that he wont make it home e-earlier!!" i lied
Well, im bad at lies, but i hope that they will let it go..
"well, we are 100% sure that you are lying!!" julie said
"ughhh!! Fine!!" i pouted
"so.. What is it??" they all asked
"so.. I feel that there is someone watching us, and i called zach, he told me to be here, in.. 30 mins, but he did not come!!" i said
"Maybe, we should go?? Its probably 3pm and.. I think we should go to our place!!" amanda said.
"Sure!! Lets plan about the.. Headquarters!!" i said
"Sure!!" brook laughed

At the girl's apartment

I wwnt inside, and saw their puppy, koda.

"Aww.. How cute!!" i said
"well, i bought her since she was 1 month old. She was small!!" brook said

We talked about our headquarters.. And.. This is the final look!

Jk!!  It's a surprise

Well,  i wanted to go home, cause its getting late.. Me and amanda were still awake, talking about some life stuffs..

"Im gonna go home, its running late" i said
"Well,  you can stay the night!!" she said
"no, zach must been worried!" i said
"Well, let me drive you home!!" she said

Well,  for me she looks tired,  and i dont want her to drive me home,  she needs rest

"Amanda" i pouted,  while looks at me confused with a smile
"What? " she asked
"I know that you been hidding this, i know that you are sick! " i said
"well uh n-!" i cutted her off
"Yes!! " i said
"fine! Yes i am sick!! " she pouted
"Well,  go rest!!  Im going home!! "o said
"Well,  okay, be safe!! " she said

I walked through the halls,  all alone...  I got a feeling that i should go to logan's apartment.  But..  If i went there,  he would definitely drivee home,  and i dont want them to dtive me...

I walked faster and faster,  until i heard someone following me..  I looked back,  and saw no one..

This should be stop...

I runned and i heard them tun too,  until someone grabbed my arm

It was.....

Eyyypoo 3k reads!!  Thats insannneee thank you soooo much!!



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