Tour 4

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And we.. Met there, underground

We got there, to the last step, and someone pecked their lips into mine. I bet it was zach

"zach?? " i asked
"mmm? " zach mumbled
"where are we?? " i asked

"you'll see" he said

The lights went on

And i saw a surprise

Everybody was cheering..

And the banner says
"Happy First Tour!!! "

I looked at everyone, and aj mitchell was there.

He looked at me, and runned into me

Then he hugged me..

Everybody was giving smirks on me..

But Aj was the one who hugged me

After i hugged back

I looked for zach

But he was not in the room

Maybe, bathroom??

Yeah, maybe

I went outside, and.. Just took instagram stories

30 mins later

Party is still going, and.. Alot of people got drunk already.. It was 6:05pm..

And zach is still missing

I called him, and no one answers

I was sicked worried

Until, i found myself drunk too

Someone was pushing me into a room. I was forced, and thinking it was a maniac

My vision is all blury

Then my vision came back

I saw the guy, it was zach

He was patting my head and all

He was just taking care of me

Because i was drunk

"z-zach??" i asked

"Ars, you're awake.. You were so drunk" he said while giggling a little

"Zach, thank you" i said

"Thank what??" he asked

"Thank, that you saved me from the room, cause if you did not, probably. Someone already smashed me" i said

We were just staring at each other, then he sent a message to my lips, it was passionate

Until someone crashed the door, and i saw it was jack

"Guys!! Di dyou see ar-ia- na..." he trails off, by seeing me with zach

"oh,well" he said

The next day

We are back at the hotel, from last night

Right now, im pranking logan in a phone call

Call (videocall)
L- whats poppin??
A- me and zach have to tell you something
L- what is it??
Z- im sorry logan. .. It just hard to say
L- tell. Me
A- Logan, im really sorry
L-im listening, im listening, tell me away, tell me a way
A- logan, this is serious
L-okay, fine, ill stop..
Z- logan, i got her..
L-got her what?!
A- pregnant..
L- what the fucking shit?!
Z- logan, im sorry, i really didnt mean to smash her

we cutted him off by hanging up

He was sooo pissed

Me and zach bursted out laughing, until we finally calmed

"So.. . What would you do if i said that im really pregnant?? " i said

"Mm.. Maybe, i dont want to have it early, but i want it to be cute" zach said

That made me giggled

We were talking about life..

Unti corbyn and christina bursted out of the door, making out

"We should go to the boys' room" i said

I went inside their room, and we were alone. Maybe they got a food

I texted jeff

Jeff?? Can i ask something??

Manager jeff

It will be a surprise, but. Me and my bestfriends, are archetecting some mansion. And.. Its too big. And me and my bestfriends are only 4. So..  The boys said that they need me for everyday cook. So i was deciding to move the boys in, in our mansion???
Its their surprise.

Manager Jeff
Well, sure..  I have a plan, ill let logan text you to do the surprise

Okay thx

Zach was playing a vid game..

And im just on my phone

I texted logan

Hey logy

Why did you hanged up??
Whats the baby gender??

It was just a prank..

Oh, so what do you need?

So.. I have a surprise for the boys after tour. Me and my friends are on a on going mansion build, and i was deciding to.. Let me get help from you??

Okay, how am i gonna help??

Put the boys' stuff away in their house, before the tour ends. And.. Placed them in the outside of the mansion

Can i see the mansion look??


LogeyyI wish that my architect can finish his design, but i just have done my car done, plus the cool bus

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I wish that my architect can finish his design, but i just have done my car done, plus the cool bus

Just do the surprise

Gotta go zach needs me

Why are you panicking when zach need you?!

Bye sis, lab yah

And the door knocked

I opened it

Saw it was jeff and the boys

They bought chipotle

Me and the boys went inside and eat


Christina and corbyn is still in the room doing the thing

1 hour later

We need to go to another country..

We need to go...

The Last Paul ✔// Zach Herron (1)Where stories live. Discover now