bonus thirteen

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guys, please answer this question!

Will y'all follow my IG if I create an account specially for fangirling + Wattpad purposes?

I plan to post sneak peaks of my future work, random ass stuff, collect feedback from y'all, as well as kpop-related things.

If you guys will follow, then I will post a new chapter informing y'all about it.

Well, anyways, happy bonus reading!


jisung p.o.v

"so hee!" I yelled as I see her walking towards the bus stop.

"jisung?" She seemed shocked to see me. "i thought you lived close to school. What are you doing here?"

"a-ah...well," I scratched my neck awkwardly. "i wanted to go to school together with you."

"what?" Her voice was an octave higher. "no, wait, I mean...okay."

as I smile in amusement, at the same time, the bus to school pulled up beside us.

boarding it, the bus was filled with people. It was no shock since at this timing, people were usually either heading to school or work.

the bus ride went smoothly as both of us had small talk here and there.

suddenly, the bus came to an abrupt halt as the traffic light turned red, making so hee lose her balance as I quickly grabbed her shoulders, preventing her fall.

"yah, be careful. I wouldn't want you to fall for others." I joked as I saw a tint of red in her cheeks.

"not funny, jisung," She murmured. "we're here." She says as she leaves the bus in a hurry.

"yah!" I chuckled as I watch her scurry into the school building.


"sung!" A familiar voice spoke.

"haechan." i called as I saw him.

"i saw that. since when were you that close to so hee?" Haechan smirked. "jisung-ah, are you hiding something from me?"

"'s just was only recently."

"recently? you mean–"

"what recently?" Another voice cut in.

"jeno! yah, this kid here has a girlfriend. way before even we do." Haechan told him.

"what?" jeno looks at me. "'ve grown!" jeno patted my back.

"no wonder it seemed you two had something going on." haechan nods his head thoughtfully.

"hey, better not mess with her, especially since you guys got together after all these years." jeno warns.

"what do you mean...hyung?" i asked, puzzled.

"oh, she might get angry, break up with you." jeno looked serious.


"really?" i worriedly enquire.

both haechan and jeno exchanged glances

" are," haechan starts "so gullible." jeno ends with a laugh.


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