Chapter 24

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             *Patrick's P.O.V.*

I wait anxiously, glancing through the peep hole every now and then.

Lyla said she'd be here early to get ready for the gala, then we could spend some time together.

It's been a few days since I've seen her, and my I feel a bit nervous. I mean we talk on the phone and text, but this is a big thing to me.

She could possibly be my first... real girlfriend.

I hear movement behind the door, and i practically throw the door open.

"Hi." I breathe the word out, seeing her for the first time in days.

My smile faltered, seeing her eyes. They were darker then her usual grey, brimmed pink.

"Lyla? You okay?" I ask softer.

Her eyes flickered to the floor, and she put on a fake smile.

"Yeah! Everything's.... just fine." There was a tiny hairline crack on 'fine'

"Alright." I don't buy whatever she's trying to pull off.

I lead her in, taking her bags.

"Where's Alex?" She asks tired.

"She's picking up Chaunette. She'll be here soon. Lyla, what's wrong?" I try again, moving in closer.

She turns her head away from me, sniffling softly.

Jonathan walks in humming, then stops in his tracks.

"Oops! guys, carry on!" Jonathan quickly walks away.

"He says I have bad timing..." i murmur. (Inside joke if you read Broken and Healing, hahaha)

"What's wrong?" I ask again.

"Patrick, it's my father. He's being such a.......bitch." Lyla swears, then covers her mouth with her hand.

"Did i just say that?" She whispers.

I nod. Now I'm really worried...Lyla nevers swears.

"Your dad?" I question raising my eyebrow.

"He doesn't trust us. He hates me, he hates you, he hates us!" She looks around frustrated, then plops down angrily on the couch.

"What? No! Your father likes me!" I say. At least I hope he does.

"He said you would leave me. I know about your past, but i know you wouldn't leave me,right?" Her eyes begged for an honest answer, and that answer was right on the edge of my lips.

"Never." I say, kissing her full on the lips.

Lyla drops her bags, her hands reaching up to caress my cheek. She does something she never did before. She parts her lips. I deepen the kiss, parting my mouth. She falls back, and i set her slim form on the couch, my lips never leaving hers.

The scrape of keys.

"Holy shit." Chaunette's small voice startled Lyla.

"Oh my god." Lyla sits up, cheeks growing pink.

I growl softly.

Alex giggles, grinning at Lyla.

"What is happening here?" Chaunette waggles her eyebrows.

"Just.... um...." Lyla bites her lip.

I think she does that when she's nervous.

I shrug, glaring at Alex's bad timing.

"Lyla, this is Chaunette." Alex smiles, and Chaunette waves.

Lyla smiles, still a little baffled from our kiss.

"We're going to get ready for tonight! You coming?" Chaunette gestures towards Alex's room.

"Yeah, um, just let me..." she crawls out from underneath me, her ears bright red.

"Have fun, girls!" I wink at Lyla, making her turn redder.

I laugh at myself. She's so shy.

Finding, and Losing Love- Patrick Kane fanficWhere stories live. Discover now