Chapter 58

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                *Patrick's P.O.V.*

"Merry one day before Christmas!" Corey lets us into his gigantic house.

The majority of the team has already arrived, and I can see Ben Smith cooking something in the kitchen. All the food is being catered, so i don't know what he's doing.

"Merry Christmas to you too." I laugh.

"This place is really decked up." Jonny says from behind me.

I shake the snow off my boots and greet everyone. Sharpie has his wife on his lap and the movie Home Alone was playing on the TV.

Shawzy, Hossa and Keith were sprawled across the floor on their stomachs playing a game of Jenga.

I love Christmas parties like this, because they're so fun. It's just so warm and friendly.

"Anything to drink?" Corey gestures to beers, champagne, and sodas.

"It's Christmas..." I give him a smirk, "Got any hot chocolate?"

"Help yourself." Corey hands me a mug and gestures towards the thermos.

I pour Lyla a mug too, and hand it to her.

"Mmmm. Smells great." She comments.

I lead her to the living room, and Shawzy gets up from the floor right away, almost knocking over the Jenga tower.

"Patty, Jonny, Alex, Lyla!" The energetic boy along with Chaunette engulfed us into a gigantic group hug, knocking down the unstable Jenga.

"Aw, no!" Marian Hossa protests, "I was winning."

"You can't win in Jenga. You can only lose." Duncan shrugs.

Everyone has their wives and girlfriends here, and we're planning on decorating the tree after dinner.

"Guys, dinner is set! Just take whatever you want then head on out to the long table." Corey calls out.

Slowly, we make our way to the many choices of platters out on the table. I get both myself and Lyla a plate, then i fill mine up with a little bit of everything. I head to the other room and plop my plate down and go back for Lyla.

As i head back into the kitchen, Brandon is talking to Lyla.

"There's potatoes, chicken, eggs..." He shows her around the table as she carries her plate.

"Thanks, Saader." I clap his back, "I'll take it from here."

Lyla tells me what she wants, and I give her a good portion of it. We make our way to the dining room, and sit ourselves down.

Dinner was really good, and near the end, Lyla gets up.

"Excuse me, I need to get something from the kitchen."

Along with her, Ben Smith and Brandon Saad also make their way to the kitchen. I crane my neck to see what they're doing. Ben takes out this extremely large ice cream cake while Brandon helps Lyla with something else.

"Woah, you got a cake and everything?" Corey asks.

Ben nods, "I made it."

"Wha? You made a cake? Ice cream cake? Yeah, right." Patrick Sharp laughs from the other end of the table.

"Guys?" Lyla's soft voice peaks from behind me.

The table grows quiet.

"I, um, I want to thank you guys for being supportive and accepting of me. It's not easy to see a friend get sucked into a world of burdens and hassles. Patrick and I are in love. It feels so good to be near him everyday, but sometimes it's hard too. Thank you guys for making it a tad bit easier."

In her hand she holds two boxes of chocolates and a baggy full of candy canes. Behind her, Brandon holds two trays of sugar cookies, shaped in a bunch of Christmas trees.

The team starts clapping, and Lyla turns pink.

"Aw, comere Lyles." I pull her close to me, and sneak a quick peck on her lips.

"Thank you." I whisper.

She tucks a strand of long hair behind her ears, "Thank you."

I take a bite of Lyla's sugar cookies, and i grin.

"Man, these are amazing." I say, reaching for another.

After dinner, we decorated the tree.

Well, everyone else did. Lyla couldn't, so we sat on the couch together while they decorated.

Jonny takes Corey's guitar and starts playing some Christmas songs. Alex's beautiful voice rings out, and the team starts to join. Soon, the room is filled with off-tune deep rumbles that makes Lyla throw her head back with laughter.

I pull her closer to me, and she's situated herself so that she's half sitting on my lap. She's so beautiful in my sweater, I want her so badly. The collar hangs right below her collar bones, making them stand out even more.

Christmas is full of thanks, joy, and laughter. I'm so glad to be spending my Christmas with my best friends, my teammates, and the girl I love.

Finding, and Losing Love- Patrick Kane fanficWhere stories live. Discover now