Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"I do" nixie said as she stretches her hand to the ninetales to smell and say "I'm sorry for putting you in a poke ball but it was the easiest way to help you with the poison."

He went to reach in the bag, grabbing the frying pan as he pulled out a bottle of water, cleaning his hand-paws a bit, getting dinner prepared.

"I am starved. " Topaz said as he rubbed his empty stomach

N: The ninetales only gave a look towards Nixie, only swatting her hand away this time.

Bolts: (walks towards the Ninetales)

Nixie gives her a sad smile.

N: The ninetales soon lay her head on Blakes lap. Blake: Well at least she didn't burn you" he said

"I just want you to be happy ninetales. If you are happy dislike me then I'm okay with that." Nixie said

Nixie nods "Yeah"

Nixie other poke ball opens by itself to reveal an umbreon. Who rubs against nixie legs. She looks down at him and say " thanks for you comforting night." While petting him.

Bolt: (looks into the Ninetales eyes)

Blake moved some of the hot food sith his fingers.

N:she opened her eyes to stare at Bolt. Calmness in her expression.

Nixie watches how bolt get closer to ninetales while night rubs his head on her hand.

Topaz went into his bag and pulled out a small leather bag of gems and rock candy.

Bolt: (sniffed her and smiled)

N:She only stared, soon going back to relaxing.

Nixie bends down to night height and starts grooming his fur as she looks at ninetales how happy she lookTopaz ate a few gems while he lay down looking up at the black sky

Night notice nixie distracted. And glares at the ninetales. Nixie looks at night and says "stop it night" he looks back at nixie and nods at her.

Soon Blake finished the food. "Ok here it is" he said setting it down. "Up for grabs" he muttered.

Topaz stood up and stretched. "Great I'm beyond hungry"

Nixie walks toward the food with night on her side.

Nixie sits down near the food and grabs some giving night some. Topaz grabs some food feeding Bolt.

Nixie looks at ninetales and says "want some food ninetales"

N: She was already asleep.

Nixie sight looks at night who was looking at her worriedly so she gave him a smile and say "its fine Night."

Bolts: (licks my hand and sits on my lap)

"Well I'm going to sleep" he muttered, laying down on his backpack. "Night" he muttered, his tails coiling and covering most of him.Nixie nods and says "yeah me too. Night" lays down with her tales around her and Night next to her between her tails.

Topaz says "Night guys. " lays down Bolts going to sleep near by

Nixie wakes up and looks at the others still sleeping. She carefully removes Night from her side so she can get up. After she puts him down without waking him, Nixie goes thru the forest looking for some berries to use for breakfast. She returns back to the camp where everyone is still asleep. So she starts making breakfast by using the berries and some moommo milk as a base using the berries for the main ingrendients. Night was the first to wake up from the smell since he loves when she makes that for breakfast. She gives him a smile before noticing the ninetales that also was starting to awake. After she finish cooking she gave some to Night on a bowl with he happily started eating. Nixie looks at the ninetales that was watching them so she pours some in other bowl for her and says, "You can have some too if you want." She glares at Nixie for a moment as she look between the food and her but her stomach starts to growl in which Nixie smiles and sets the plate down for her to come on her own if she wants. Which she did after she got tired of her stomach growling, she sniffes the food before giving it a cautios try with surprise her of the the taste that she drug in loving how it tasted. Nixie smiles watching her eat, "Does it taste good ninetales?" Nixie ask in which the ninetales look up at her a little shy and nods " Thats good Night loves it when I make especially if its made from a berry he likes." she looks at night who is eating it happily Nixie smiles at her and says, "Next time tell me what berry you like so I can make it for you." her eyes widen as she nods happily and rubs against Nixie hand so she touches her. Nixie smiles and rans her fingers thru ninetales soft fur.

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