Chapter 2

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Alex's POV

I was exhausted! Even though I'd only started my shift an hour ago, I was tired! Taking online classes at Phenix University and working to jobs made me wore out! It was worth it though in the end.

"Alex, table 7 is asking for you!" my friend Tammy told me.

"Thanks!" I called after her.

I looked over at table 7. Sitting there were "The Fast Five"! This biker gang that called themselves "Fire Blazers" were notorious for being ass wholes. Everyone in the neighborhood called them "The Fast Five" because they would be with one girl one minute, and be with completely different one the next.

I sighed and put on fake friendly smile.

"What can I help you with?" I asked as soon as I reached their table.

Rider, the gangs leader, looked up at me and gave me his cocky grin.

"Well, you could start with sitting on daddy's lap!" He placed his right hand on my butt!

This was annoying! Must every guy I come across be a complete perv? With his salt and pepper hair, he was old enough to be my grandfather!

"If you don't get your hand from of my ass, I'll scream rape!" I gave him the death glare.

"You wouldn't! There's no proof! Plus it'll be your word over mine." he said with pure confidence.

"And who do you think they'll believe? Sweet little old me or the perv next door?" I said with pure acid.

He removed his hand.

"Now if you don't actually need anything, I think I'll..."

I started to turn around, but then he grabbed my wrist!

"Look here you little bitch!"

He was spitting in my face and gripping my wrist tighter with each word.

"I will not have some whore threatening me in my own town! You hear me?"

Saying I was scared would have been an understatement because I was terrified! I swear I could feel bones snapping!

"I said did..."

He didn't get to finish his sentence because he was staring at his beer, which was no bubbling. The anger boiling inside me was like a volcano had erupted! what, why was I so angry? I've been angry before, but nothing like this! The cup of beer was now shaking. everyone in the bar was watching. I couldn't see anything except for red. It was like something was controlling my body! The cup exploded and shards of glass went into Rider's arm as he shielded himself. I was horrified! Did I do that? I ran away from the scene in front of me and ran into the bathroom. Locking the door, I slid down it.

"Breath Alex!"

I tried to calm myself down, but wasn't working. I hurt Rider! I got up and walked over to sink and looked at my reflection in the mirror above it.

"What am I?"

Unknown POV

I watched as she served costumers. She was beautiful like they said. I watched her walk over to the group of men. The man who must have been the leader put his hand on her butt. It made me angry! Humans make me sick! She must have threaten him because he removed his hand. As she turned around, he grabbed her wrist. I wanted to help her, but I had my orders. I saw the look in her eyes, she was scared! Then I saw it. Anger flashed in her eyes! I saw the man's cup of beer shake and then explode!

*ring ring*

I pulled my phone out and answered it.

"Is she there?" a woman asked.


"Is she The Chosen One?" she asked.

"Yes! Do you want me to grab her?" I asked.

"No! He says to wait!"

I was wondering why, but I knew better then to question Him.

"Ok! What do you want me to do?"

A few minutes past. I assume she was talking to Him.

"He says to watch her until further instructions!"


I hung up the phone and put it back in my pocket. I didn't mind watching her, she was beautiful!

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