Chapter 1

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———————————————————————— Sara's POV

The night time air in New York was very cold as I walked down Pine Street to Truly Scrumptious Cafe, hugging my jacket closer to my body trying to conceal as much heat as possible as a strong ice cold gush of wind hit my already freezing body causing me to shiver and my nose to sniffle.

I kept my head down to block the cold air from hitting my face, which was no use as my nose kept running. As I stared at my feet shuffling through the snow in thought  I collided with a strong frame which caused me to fall onto an icy patch, causing me to groan in pain.

I was laying there in shock for what felt like hours before I sat up and searched for the object I had collided with, it was a man he had skin the colour of caramel, black hair that looked so soft it made me want to touch it, he had gorgeous bright hazel eyes, that shon under the street light, a strong jaw which you could you see even through his perfectly cut beard, and pink plump lips. I must have been staring at him far too long because he cleared his throat, I awkwardly apologised and shot up offering him a hand which he happily took. Once again I awkwardly apologised to him, but couldn't focus as I was got lost in his gorgeous eyes, I finally snapped out of it and cleared my throat letting go of his hand, and started to walk away with my head hung low in embarrassment. Suddenly I felt a tug on my arm, he had grabbed it stopping me from reaching my destination, I looked back and was caught in his piercing eyes yet again, he smiled a perfect smile and spoke "it's alright honestly I should've been looking where I was walking, I'm Luca Richardson by the way, what's your name?" I smiled back and replied  "Sara, Sara Johnson"
He smiled that perfect smile yet again and let go of my arm, as I kept staring into his eyes frozen on the spot I noticed a glint of success in his emerald green eyes it looked kind of like he had found what he has been looking for, for years.

I broke the eye contact and whispered okay under my breath turned around and started my journey back to the cafe. The journey to the cafe seemed like it was taking forever, but a last I was about 2 minutes away from the cafe, I fist pumped in triumph when I felt yet another tug on my arm making me jump in fear, I turned around and saw it was was Luca the guy I bumped into literally 10 minutes ago, I stared at him in confusion as to why he has hold of my arm and stopped me yet again.

He moved closer to me I looked at him on pure fear my brain going through different scenarios that can possibly happen panic flashed through my entire body and before I knew it I screamed and started Tugging my arm out of his grasp to try and escape his grip tightened as a reflex to my moving arm so his hold became too tight. I stopped trying to get away it was no use he was much stronger than me very much stronger than me, I still there frozen to the spot and staring into his eyes in pure terror he continued to move closer to my face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in holding my breath, when I felt his warm breath hit my cold ear and that's when he whispered something to me that couldn't possibly be true never would I have thought they could be real, they were mythical.

My eyes shot open staring at him wide eyed I began pulling my arm harder tears streaming down my face he still didn't let go I kept trying and trying until I feel back into the ice cold snow I shot back up and without a second to spare ran to the cafe, leaving Luca behind. As I approached the cafe my mind running wild I barged through the door out of breath, with watery eyes, tear stained cheeks and a runny nose due to the cold air hitting my face harshly.

The cafe was empty, doesn't surprise me as it is 10pm I walked over to the cashier and ordered a nice hot cappuccino to help warm up my freezing frame, once I had received my order i looked around and saw an empty booth in the very back corner of the cafe, I trudged over to the table and took a seat staring into my cup of coffee my mind racing asking so many questions like "why did this happen to me?" "Why did my parents abandon me?" "are they still alive?" And "why didn't anyone tell me what I was?"...

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