Chapter 3

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Luca's POV

As a guard and sever to the Royals, it is my duty to protect and destroy any harm that comes to the Royals.
Yes I am a vampire prince and vampires don't usually serve witches but I have my reasons why I serve and protect Georgina and her family.

My reasons for that is my parents King Vladimir and Queen Mavis wanted an heir to the throne and vampires can not have children so they summoned Georgina Waldron to cast a spell which allowed my mother to conceive.

Thus I was born, a full blood vampire, there has never been a full blood vampire born since Marcus, I whom is tombed for eternity due to his violence and all the blood baths he spilled, my parents are not full blood vampires they were both turned my father was a human and my mother chose him, and turned him in 1820 so they could be together forever, as for my mother she was turned by Marcus himself, back in 1729 she was his lover but she never loved him back, she was in love with a factory boy so he turned her out of spite and jealously and that's about it with my family so now you know why I am the only full blood vampire to ever have been born since Marcus back in 1600 he is an original.

I have very big responsibilities due to being a full blood vampire and the son of king Vladimir and Queen Mavis. I reached the coming age to be the vampire king when I was 19 but I didn't want to be king I wanted to be a soldier so I turned down the role and started training for the battle against the turned vampires where we like to call them new borns, they think they're in power but they are so they started a war with us which had been going on for 200 years.

The battle between the kingdom and new borns happened before I was born, I had trained enough and knew I was ready for the battle that will go down in history. The new borns where strong, but we were stronger and more skilled the new borns were sloppy and messy, I was fighting against the woman who turned all these poor humans into blood sucking beasts who don't want to follow orders her name was Karla.

Karla was a half vampire with brunette frizzy hair, dull brown eyes and super pale skin, even tho her complexion was flawless, she had a look on her face that just made you want to punch her.

Karla wanted to take over the kingdom so she created her own army to fight against us and take the kingdom by force, but as I was battling her one of her little minions came up behind me and stabbed me in the back with a stake covered in dead mans blood which can vitally harm a full blood vampire but can kill us if stabbed in the heart, I dropped to the floor in agonising pain, clutching my chest where the stake had pierced through my body just missing my heart.

I was severely injured and couldn't battle anymore as I laid there shaking and burning up, I couldn't do anything but watch my parents die during battle they got stakes to the heart and had their head torn off I screamed in agony as I watched there heads being thrown my way, the death of my parents and my resignation of the throne this meant that Karla had finally won the battle and the kingdom was now hers to control. The guards fled in fear when they saw their king and queen dead on the floor with a stake covered in dead mans blood shoved their there chest and their heads by my weak body, I heard one guard when I was about to pass out walking my way and pronounces me as dead. The battle field was covered in decomposing bodies, blood and fire. I suddenly hear foot steps coming towards me after the guard left, a hand opened my eyes and I saw a woman, she ran away, so I closed my eyes, suddenly I felt myself being lifted up off the ground into the air, but felt no one pick me up.

Georgina was there battling by our side as my mother thought of her as a sister, she told me that She saw me go down after the stake was shoved through my back. I looked at her in disbelief and anger because she could've helped me why didn't she. Georgina then pulled me from my thoughts by saying she couldn't bare to see me die especially after She had helped my parents conceive me. So She sent Josephine her youngest daughter out to bring me to her. You see Josephine has the power of teleportation so she could bring me to Georgina safely and not harm herself nor I. Georgina told me that she would've gone herself but she had her granddaughter Sara look after and protect.

Once Josephine had returned to Georgina I was in and out of consciousness. But I distinctively remember hearing a baby's cry Before I blacked out.

It was late noon when I had awoken from my slumber the sun was setting and it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen, the sky shon, in all different colours of pink, purple, orange, and yellow. The sunset never shines over the trees in the forest at my kingdom, and I have to admit it took my breath away.
It had been a day since the battle, I was fully healed and back to my normal self thanks to Georgina saving my life and taking care of me, rubbing special ointment into my wound and making special potions to get rid of the poison from my system and regain my strength. I so excited I get to meet Georgina's granddaughter tomorrow. I just spent my day walking around the covern making sure no harm comes to the royals, as I owe them my life, finally the day came when I get to meet Sara, I sat in the throne room and waited for Georgina, she brought a crying baby, who just wouldn't stop even if her life depended on it,  She was a little whiner, I've never known a baby to cry as much as Sara does. I could see that Georgina was getting tired so I offered to help her look after Sara switching roles each day so Georgina can rest, and regain her strength, as she is very depended on by all her covern, to protect them as a Royal it's their duty to look after and protect the covern.

It was the next morning the sun was rising above the trees, I stood at the window as I admired the view before me, I yawned and stretched as I was so tired, I couldn't get much sleep due to that wretched baby who wouldn't stop crying. You see Sara was only 2 days old and was born in the castle as it was a tradition with all witches to give birth in the castle, especially royals they need to be protected the most as every supernatural creature wants to enslave a royal and be all powerful.

I waited for Georgina to ask her guards to bring me to the throne room, and help her out with Sara. It was about noon when the guards came to collect me, I had done nothing all that day except lay in bed and try to nap but Sara just kept screaming and crying so it made it hard to nap. When the guards came and told me Georgina was waiting for me I sprung out of bed and followed the guard out of my room, down the spiralling staircase and entered a long corridor, walking through the long corridor with walls painted white and black, I kept passing by cream coloured doors which I knew were the rooms where The maids, guards, servants, and visiting witches and wizards stayed.
We descended down yet another set stairs that was in the main hall which was separated two different ways that came down together to make bigger steps in the middle of them both. The carpeting on the staircases where red and black entering the throne room.
Once we entered the throne room I knelt down in front of Georgina and bowed my head in respect she nodded at me, signalling that she has acknowledge my presence so I stood up. I looked over to the whiney baby who wasn't whining anymore, thank the world, I looked at her and she opened her shining light blue eyes and looked at me, she gave me a smile which was adorable due to her having no teeth I was spell bound, I didn't know what to do.. she was so sweet and innocent... I had look after her.

Georgina came up behind me which startled me and pulled me out of my trance she looked at me strangely and asked me to hold Sara while she performs a spell that will bind her powers till she reaches the age of 16, but the binding was also to protect her from all the dangers out here, such as the Lycan leader, Luther, and Karla, they are the ones I'm most worried about they can use her to start wars and possibly end the world.
Sara started crying again and wriggling her arms and legs, but this time the cry wasn't what I was used this time it was a painful scream I didn't think binding powers would hurt this much but she was a baby after all. I held her tight in my grasp feeling sorrow, hurt and anger boiling through me that Georgina was hurting Sara all these emotions had me confused why was I feeling those emotions, I never have with anyone let alone a baby..

Once the spell was cast on Sara I had to leave her on the door step of an orphanage in the nearest town as Georgina couldn't do it she spent this time crying in her chambers, but it was for the greater good it was so we can keep watch on her and protect her from the Lycans and new borns, it hurt me so much to leave her there but what could I do her mother and father died the day after the war between witches and vampires due to severe injuries, and Georgina is a royal, a very busy royal in fact, so she couldn't look after her and she didn't trust any of the other witches or wizards.
But the main reason is that Georgina didn't want to raise Sara in the coven due to the thought that another war could happen at anytime and Sara being in the middle of it or the starter of it....

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