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"Get up, bitch. We have a meeting with the landlord at 11," I heard as I was shaken lightly. I opened my eyes to see Gabe hovering slightly over me with a cup of coffee. I nodded and sat up, checking my phone that was left on the bedside table for the time- 10:09.

"Alright, I'll get ready real quick. Wanna grab lunch after? I'm feeling like a greasy burger to curb this hangover," I told him as I rubbed my eyes. "Yeah sure," he replied with a chuckle. "I see you brought back a homeless dude." I looked over, the happenings of last night flooding into my memory.

"Oh shit, I forgot. And he's not a hobo he's just a little...scruffy. Well, actually, he's homeless too, but shut up. And by the way, we did NOT have sex. He helped me get your drunk ass into the car and drag you home, you should be grateful. Speaking of, how do you not have an insane hangover?? You were complaining shit faced last night."

"I'm fucking magic. Anyways, get up. we gotta go."

I nodded my head and he went into the kitchen. I turned to look at the guy snoring next to me. He stirred for a minute before sighing and propping himself off of his stomach with his elbows. He looked over at me curiously and then threw his face into his pillow, groaning, "What the fuck did I do this time?"

"We met last night and you helped me drag my drunk roommate home. You said you needed a place to stay so I offered for you to come stay with us. We didn't have sex. How do you not remember this?" I asked him, to which he sat up, hair still in his face.

"No, i do remember now. I appreciate it. I'm sorry you had to bring me home with you, I've been going through some...shit. Um, I know I've probably already worn out my welcome, but can I be so rude as to ask to use your shower real quick? I smell like vomit." I chuckled, nodding, and pointed to the bathroom. "Towels are in the closet and I'll go get you some clean clothes," I said, smiling a little.

"And when you're done, you can come have some coffee with us in the kitchen. If you want." He smiled, yawning and standing up. "Thanks, I really appreciate it." I smiled at him before he headed into the bathroom.

I got up and made the bed before quickly throwing on a pair of leggings and a hoodie. I heard the shower turn on in the bathroom, and remembered that my brush was still on the sink. "Fuck," I sighed. I knocked on the door, earning a, "Yeah, come in!". I opened the door and said, "Sorry, I just needed my brush."

"It's Gucci, it's your bathroom. I don't mind," he replied. I chuckled and decided to brush my hair and teeth real quick. As I did, he started singing, which I thought was really cute until all of a sudden his soft singing turned into a kind of loud burst of passionate singing, "Ooh, didn't know it before, surprised when you caught me off guard. Hard as damn jewelry I bought, you was my shorty I thought. Never caught a-"

"Jesus, man." I said in complete awe. "Oh shit, I'm sorry, I thought you went back out. God I'm so embarrassed," he chuckled. "No dude, that was amazing. Seriously, I might keep you around just to sing for me," I joked, and he laughed. I got out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone before making my way into the kitchen. Gabe was sitting on a barstool sipping a second cup of coffee, scrolling through his phone.

I grabbed a coffee cup from the cabinet and poured myself some coffee, adding probably way too much cream and sugar. I sat down beside Gabe and he said, "So, how long is he gonna stay?"

A little confused, I asked, "Who said he was staying?"

He put his phone down and looked at me. "Come on, (y/n), he doesn't have anywhere to go. He can stay here, right? I mean, one of us can share a room with him and he seems really cool so it's not like he would be annoying. Besides, it would be cool to have a third roommate," he said, almost like he was pleading with me to let him keep a puppy.

I sighed and thought about it for a second. "Yeah, you're right. Besides, I might have a tiny little crush on him.." I said, quickly hopping down from the stool and going to the hallway to avoid his reply as he laughed.

"What was that, cutie?" I heard, and jumped a little at Post standing in front of me.

He smiled, and we both blushed hard. "Um, I said I'm going to crush you... At, um... The race of.... Who can get their shoes on faster, bye!" I said, scurrying into my room as he chuckled. I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on slowly, going back into the kitchen to talk to him.

He and Gabe were chatting and laughing, and I leaned into the counter, saying, "Um, so Posty. Last night you said you didn't really have anywhere to stay, so maybe you would want to stay with us? We've been wanting a third roommate, and..." I trailed off.

His face lit up and he said, "Yeah. Hell yes, that would be amazing." I smiled at Gabe, who winked at me.

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