June 19th; Stubborn Acts

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I woke up the next morning around 830am with a missed text message on my cell phone.

Seto Kaiba:
Lena, I apologize for last night. I do know a lot that you should know. There's a lot that you don't know about yourself and I'd appreciate it if you come into my office around 10am.

I sighed.

Seto Kaiba's POV

I picked up my office phone and called Lena.

"Lena Janes."

"Lena, it's Seto."

"Well, good morning to you too." She didn't seem too happy at this moment.

"Did you receive my message?"

"Oh, about everything that I should know since I have no idea who I am? In matter of fact, I did."

"Lena, please listen. I'm only preparing you for what's going to happen when you go back to San Diego. It's very important."

"I don't plan on seeing you today. I can care less on how important it is."

"Stop being stubborn and listen to what I have to say."

"Seto Kaiba, no. I'm finished."

"Lena, please! You have no idea-" Lena hung up. "Lena, you have no clue what's going to happen to you, your father, and the company.." I sighed.

Lena Janes' POV

I immediately called up my dad.

"Richard Janes speaking."

"Dad, it's me. I have a question.

"Sure thing, what's on your mind?"

"What does Seto Kaiba know about me that I don't know myself?" He sighed over the line.

"Dear, that's something for you to figure out. You need to talk to him yourself and learn. He knows everything about your mother too."

I began crying and I hung up. I sent Seto a text.

Seto Kaiba's POV

My phone vibrated in my pocket. When I got it out, it was a text from Lena.

Lena Janes:
Seto, please come to my hotel room. If you want me to know everything, then bring it to me. I refuse to leave where I'm staying so work with me on this.

I shook my head and I packed my laptop and her file folder. As I walked to exit the company, Roland stops e dead in my tracks.

"Mr. Kaiba sir, there's a meeting here at 2pm." With my back facing him, I replied,

"Roland, have Mokuba take care of that for me. The files for it are on my desk in my office. I have more important matters to attend to."

Before he said another word, I was already in my car heading towards Lena Janes.

Lena Janes' POV

I just sit on the bed waiting patiently for Seto Kaiba to arrive, that's if he does at least. I was still in my pajamas with no care in the world.

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