So Close, Yet Still So Far

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You both look at each other and then realize it was both of your stomachs! You burst into laughter and Peter joins you. "Oh my god, I can't believe we were both so scared before!" you laugh and say. You and Peter continue laughing until your sides hurt. When you finally stop, Peter asks with a smirk, " So, popcorn?". You sit up and exclaim, "Yesssss, what's a movie without popcorn!" Peter shakes his head and gets up, then offers his hand to help you get up. You take it and then walk to kitchen with Peter following behind. He goes forward and opens the pantry door and pulls out a bag of popcorn and extends his hand, seemingly giving it to you. You reach out to grab it, but he quickly pulls it away, a smirk on his face. You try again and the same thing happens! "Peterrr, give it to me!" you exclaim. He holds the bag in the air, and you know you won't be getting it. Peter has always a bit taller than you. You jump up and try and try again, Peter enjoying it all. "Come on, Parker!" you say. "Okay fine y/n," he finally says and hands over the bag. You knew Peter had loved every moment of you trying to get the bag from him and you shake your head. You and Peter finally get the popcorn popped and into a large bowl. You both head upstairs to finally get the movie started.

Peter sits down by your bed and you join him. He pulls the blanket around you and him, and you can feel your face turning slightly red. You can feel his warmth in the air, you hadn't realized how cold you were, now very thankful for the blanket. The movie starts and you both get lost in the magical world of wizards. About halfway through the movie, Peter nudges you and says" Hey y/n?" You reply, "yeah?". "You do realizes that you're holding my hand at the moment, right?" You look down at your hand, and see that he's right, your hand was indeed intertwined with his and you instantly turn a shade of deep red. "Oh gosh, sorry, I, I didn't-" you start. "Hey, y/n," He says, "it's okay". His eyes meet yours and all of a sudden, it seems like everything around you both has stopped. You don't seem to be able to hear the movie playing in the background anymore and your mind focuses on Peter and only Peter. It seems like the whole world has stopped and it's only you and Peter. He looks at you softly and you can feel your heart beating faster and harder in your chest. Peter then slowly starts to lean into you, the distance between your lips getting smaller and smaller. Your eyes flutter close and you lean into him slowly. Peter is so close to you, there is barely any space between you and him now, and then his lips are about to touch yours...

"Y/N, I'M HOME!" someone exclaims from downstairs. You and Peter quickly recoil, startled by the loud voice. Someone walks into your room, and you see that is is your mom. You quickly say," Oh hey Mom, I didn't know you were coming home so early!" Welcome back!" Peter joins in and says a hello. "Hey Peter, nice to have you around again, where have you been these days?", asks your mom. Peter then replies with a small smile, "Oh, just around." Your mom turns back to you and looks around and says, "Well, y/n, I see you and Peter are having a movie night like old times?", "I'll leave you two kids alone to enjoy your movie, see ya and don't stay up too late!". "Got it mom, bye," you say, shaking your head. Your mom leaves and both you and Peter let out an audible sigh. Oh my god, we almost kissed.. You think, feeling confused, happy, so many emotions at once. "Sooo..." Peter says, trying to break the silence and the awkwardness that seemed to be hanging in the air. "Back to the movie?" you ask. "Yes, definitely," he quickly replies, looking down at the floor, his face slightly red. You both turn back to the tv, and try to focus back onto the movie. So many thoughts run through your mind, and you wonder if Peter is thinking the same things you are. You get lost in your thoughts, unable to focus on the movie, while Peter continues to stare at the screen.

Does Peter even realize that you both almost just kissed?? What will happen next? Like comment, and vote for the next chapter to come out soon!! Thanks for reading, and until next time Hollanders, keep smiling :) Love you all <3

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