Art Club Meeting

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The movie soon ended and it was time for Peter to leave. Peter said that he enjoyed it, but after the almost kiss (as you liked to call it), he seemed a bit off to you. After he left, you fell onto your cozy bed, and stared at the ceiling, thinking about him. It took you a while to fall asleep, but you were thankful that you eventually did, you hadn't realized that you were so worn out. Overall, it was an interesting night. Who knew what would happen the next day...


The next morning, you got up, did your morning routine and made your way to the bus stop to head to school. You put in your earbuds and listened to music on the way and got to school. Your morning classes were nice, but today was a day that most classes had note taking in them, so you didn't get to talk to Peter too much.


Lunch eventually came around, and you made your way to your usual lunch table, near the back of the room. You pulled out your phone and texted Peter, asking him where he was. He replied quickly and said, "I'm on my way!". You looked up into the distance and there he was, Peter was walking towards your table while trying to balance his lunch, his backpack, and all his books. He surprisingly made it over to you without dropping anything, and you laugh and say, "Congratulations Parker, you didn't drop anything.". He replies, "Why thank you y/n, it's all in the arms.", as he flexes his arm muscles and smirks at you. You laugh and gently push him, which results in him smiling at you. He sits down next to you and you both talk about how the teachers are crazy for making everyone take so many notes when it was only the second day back from break. It was nice having Peter as a best friend, he was always so funny and could always make you smile. Over the years, you and Peter had grown closer to each other and understood each other and what they meant when they said something. People had even said that you too would make a great couple, but Peter would always just play it off while you blushed at the thought of being with him. You shrugged off those thoughts and continued talking to Peter about little things, here and there. After finishing your lunches, you both got up and said your byeeees. Peter smiled at you and then walked in the other direction to get to his class. You also made your way to your class, not really looking forward to them, as they were pretty boring without Peter in them to entertain you (Lol).


The end of the day finally got here and you were really excited, someone in one of your classes had reminded you that today was the first art club meeting after spring break and art was one of your favorite classes. This year, you didn't have enough space in your schedule to take art, so you decide to join art club! And being the good friend Peter was, he joined as well. You were so grateful for him, you weren't really good at making new friends, so having Peter there was so nice. You walked over to the art room and smiled to yourself. The plethora of colors and the creativeness of the art pieces in the room really sent out good vibes. "Hey y/n! Over here!", you hear a voice say, who you find out was none other than Peter! "How did you beat me here?", you laugh and ask. He replies, "Well, let's not forget that *you're* the one who is always late to classes". You cross your arms and say, "Wowwww, thanks Peter." You try to keep a straight face but burst into laughter, Peter joining in and you both make your way and sit down at a table near the back.

 Soon the teacher starts calling names for attendance. The teacher goes through the list and marks who is here or not, and you and Peter make silly faces to each other the entire time, it takes a lot of hard work for you not to start laughing again. Peter was making the silliest faces ever, it was so hilarious! The teacher then clears her throat while giving you both a cold stare and you and Peter instantly stop and try to behave properly. It seems as all the teachers knew that you and Peter were known to cause some trouble. You whisper to Peter, "Thanks Peter, looks like we have another teacher on our back". "Well, in my defense, you were in on it too, so you can't blame me for the teacher calling us out!", Peter quietly responds. You both exchange a smirk and shake your heads, you were such weirdos ( xD). The teacher finally tells everyone what the project for today was, and it is a painting piece. You are excited because painting was something you really enjoy. Peter gets up to get the supplies and you clear the table. You finish quickly and you turn around to suddenly see Peter behind you, and then realize that he has a paintbrush with bright red paint on it, inches away from you, all while he has a mysterious smile on his face.

Oh my goshhhh, what is Peter going to do with the paintbrush? What will happen next? {Sorry for the lengthy chapter this week, hope you still liked it!} Like, comment, and vote for the next chapter to come out soon!! Thanks for reading, and until next time Hollanders, keep smiling :) Love you all <3

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