Chapter 2

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Clark Bellamy POV

"Taylor, wake up, we are here," I gently nudge him with my shoulder. He slowly leans up and stretches his arms, I have to lean out of the way so he won't hit me with his cast.

"Taylor!" I protest.

"Oh sorry. What time is it?"

I check my phone. It's well past 1am and I am exhausted. "It is after 1am. How long will it take to get to the hotel?"

"After 1am? What the fuck, I'm too tired to think. What did you ask me? How long? I think like 20 minutes, Jack and Jack are picking us up."

"Alright," I look up from my phone and notice everyone getting up and walking off the plane, "hey stand up, we are moving," we both stand up and grab our backpacks. We follow the line of people out of the plane into the terminal. We follow the signs all the way to baggage claim. Thank god we don't have to wait because when we get to baggage claim, the conveyer belt already has bags from our plane and is moving. Taylor notices our bag before I do and runs to go get them. I follow and grab my bag from him and we head outside to wait for Jack and Jack.

As we wait I ask Taylor about who is stay where in the hotel. "So I am assuming I am staying with you in a room, or no?"

Taylor looks up from his phone and says, "Well duh."

"I was just asking geez, I didn't know if we were getting separate rooms because if you wanted to spend time with your friends without me, which by the way I wouldn't mind. But I would prefer to be in a room with you." I say looking past him to the cars passing by.

"Clark, you are my best friend. Why would I ditch you for them? If anything I would bring you along," he says trying to get me to look at him.

"I know, but sometimes I-" but Taylor cuts me off before I can finish.

"End of discussion Clark," he says looking back down at his phone. Ugh, I hate when he cuts me off but I know he is right. As I'm watching the cars, I see the black SUV, with Jack and Jack in the front seats, coming to Taylor and I.

"Taylor they are here," I grab my duffel and start walking to the edge of the curb while Taylor follows me. They pull up and I walk to the back, open the trunk and throw my bag in the back and he does the same. Taylor closes the trunk and I walk around to the drivers side and he walks to the passenger side so we can get in. When I open the door I'm greeted with a girl sitting in the middle. She has long brown hair, and light blue eyes.

"Hey! I'm Tiffany. Oh let me move this for you," moving a blanket so I can sit down behind Jack G. who is driving.

"Damn sweetcheeks, who are you?" Taylor smirks.

"My girlfriend, so hands off," Jack G. says as he pulls back into traffic. I watch the cars and the people as we drive onto the freeway. Taylor apologizes to Tiffany and starts talking to Jack J. about what is going to happen tomorrow at Magcon. Tiffany is talking to Jack G. about what they are going to do tomorrow before they have to go to Magcon. I have no need to be part of the conversation so I turn my attention back to the window and the cars passing. I must have dozed off because I'm awaken with my phone vibrating. It's a text from Cameron.

Cameron: Hey. Are you guys on your way to the hotel yet?

Clark: Yes. We should be there in about 15 minutes. Why?

Cameron: Just wondering. See you soon. :)

Clark: See you. :)

"Who was that?" questions Taylor.

"It was Cameron, he was wondering if we are almost there," I finish saying as we pull up into the hotel parking garage. Jack G. parks the car and we all get out. Taylor and I grab our bags and follow the three of them into the hotel. As we enter through the side door I notice someone on the other side of the lobby looking at his phone. He must have heard the door open because he looks up from his phone and I notice a huge smile appear on his face, and I too feel a smile appear on mine. It is Cameron.

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