Chapter 24

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Clark Bellamy POV

"CLEAR!" the nurses and doctors yell. I let go of Cameron's hand as the one female doctor shocks Cameron. I stare at the heart monitor to see his heart beating, it does, but then flat lines, again. They have shocked him 7 times and his heart beats a few times, but then stops. Grabbing back Cam's hand the doctor speaks.

"It's not working," she says to the other male doctor.

"What do you mean it's not working?" I hiss, "you better fucking save him!"

"His right lung has collasped on his heart chamber," as the male doctor is talking there is a female nurse performing CPR on Cameron, "every time we shock him, his heart beats a few times, but then stops, because his heart has no room to beat," the doctor drifts off.

"CLEAR!" I let go of his hand and turn my attention to the doctor.

"Can you fix his lung?" I beg quickly.

"Yes, it will be tricky and complicated, but we can save him."

"Then why the fuck are you still here? Go! Do something! Don't just let him die!" I scream louder and more aggresive then I meant to, but at this point I am done playing the calm, collective girlfriend. The nurses and doctors prepare Cameron for surgery and I walk back over to him.

"I will be right here when you wake up, I will tell you how much you have scared the living shit out of me, but most of all, how much I love you," I whisper through my tears and kiss his cheek, "I love you."

"Clark it's time for them to go," Taylor says as he walks over to me. I let go of his hand and watch my lifeless Cameron roll down the hallway.

"He's not going to make it, is he?" I ask Taylor.

"I didn't think you were going to make it, but look at who I am talking to right this moment, the one that I didn't think was going to make it," he whispered in my ear through his own tears as he hugged me. Then I felt another set of arms around the two of us, Nash.

"Camerons going to make it, he has you Clark, and that's what's going to give him the will to fight. If he didn't have you to fight for, he would have given up long ago. You are something he has never had before, and that's what has changed everything," Nash expresses to me.

"But he wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for me, this is all my fault," I sob. It was all my fault. If I would have never met Cameron, fell in love, and pulled him into my fucked up world, he wouldn't be in surgery for a collapsed lung and a hole in his chest. I can only sob harder.

"Look at me," Nash lifts my head and looks me in my watery eyes with his own watery eyes, "and he wouldn't have it any other way." The three of us just hold each other and sob the early Indiana morning away.

*13 hours later*

Cameron Dallas POV

Of all the things that could possibly hurt on my body right now, my hand hurts that most. I slowly open my eyes and they are met with a bright ass light right above my head. I look to my right and I see why my hand hurts so bad. Clark is by my bedside fast asleep, gripping my hand as if she lets go she will fall into nothing. As my eyes adjust more, I scan the room and see Taylor and Nash asleep on the couch, laying on eachother. I finally look down at my chest which is covered in bandages. I feel like I have been shot, which in reality, I have. By that mother fucker Adam. Wait, Adam. Clark. Clark can't be here. She must have sensed my tenseness because she awakes from her deep slumber. She doesn't say a word, but stand up and plant a huge kiss on my lips, but when she does, I feel the stream of tears on her face. Clark places her face in my hand and weeps like a little baby. Maybe I am really unaware of everything that happened since Taylor's house.

"More then just me being shot happened, didn't it?" I whisper to Clark.

"My worst nightmare happened," she softly whispered.

"Clark what happened?"

"You were brought here, where they operated on you for the gunshot wound. But when Nash and I arrived you, you," she has to pause for a second to hold back even more tears, "you died. Your lung had collasped on you heart chamber, thus preventing your heart from beating. Then they had to operated again to fix your lung so your heart could beat."

"Well it seems to be working fine," I slightly laugh trying to lighten the mood because I can sense Clark's urge to cry more then I thought she ever could.

"That's no where near hilarious," she gives a slight giggle follwed by tears.

"Come here," I demand extending my arms to her.

"No, I don't want to hurt you," she mutters shaking her head.

"I don't give a fuck. Please come here?" she finally crawls up into the bed with me and cries into my neck.

"I though you were permanently ripped from my world."

"But now I am back for good, and I am not going anywhere," I confirm squeezing Clark tighter, which makes my chest burn and ache, but I love her too much that I barely notice it. Clark looks up and just stares at me.

"I love you, with everything I am and everything I have, I love you," she cries.

"I love you more then words can desrcibe and more then you will EVER know," I kiss her forehead. As much as I want to be awake and talk to Clark, the pain killer pulls me into a dreamless slumber.

*2 days later*

"How are you feeling?" Taylor asked me.

"Like I have been shot," and Taylor gives me "are you kidding me? not funny, but funny" look as I joke with him, "but honestly fine. I am more worried with Clark." Was it me or is she sleeping, like all the time. Was it her way of dealing with stress?

"Why?" Nash asks as he enters the conversation.

"Has Clark ever slept this much?" I ask Taylor, it seems like a silly question, but was it really this normal? She has slept more then me while I have been in the hospital, "is sleeping a lot how Clark deals with stress?"

"No way. She does quite the opposite. If she is beyond stressed out, she will not sleep for days, and when I mean days, I mean DAYS," Taylor says big eyed.

"This is all Clark did at my house. I could barely keep her awake, but what worries me is the one morning she woke up drenched in sweat. Do you think maybe she is sick?" Nash comments. Clark is asleep in between my legs on the bed. She has a pillow and has her head laying on my left thigh. I placed my hand on her forehead, she felt fine, but just like Nash had said, covered in sweat. Maybe she has an infection from her cut on her arm, it can't be her chest that's all healed up, it would only be her arm. I pick up her arm and examine it, but it looks perfect. Huh.

"Maybe it's something new she has picked up?" Taylor proclaims.

"Sleeping the days away?" he doesn't respond but shrugs his shoulders. No, there has to be some other reason Clark is sleeping the days away, and I am going to figure it out.

*insert smirking face here* Guesses? -Alandra

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