Chapter 40

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Clark Bellamy POV

"Aunt Luke? What the hell are you doing here?" I pratically yell as I start charging for her, and she embraces my in a hug.

"Helping the next person I care most about in the world after you! Do you know how worried Taylor is about you?" she questions as I try to hold back my tears. I have missed Aunt Luke so much, just as much as my mom.

"Aunt Luke, everything is falling apart. What are you doing here?"

"I am taking a trip to Florida, and I was stopping by to check on you. When I pulled up to Taylor's house, I saw him, and a whole bunch of people I don't know, running around the front yard. I pulled up asking what was wrong and Taylor said you left without saying a word and that you just had a big blow up in the house. As he was saying the words it hit both of us where you went, and I said I would come get you. Here I am, oh honey, everything will be fine," she said as she gripped me tighter.

"How! I just said goodbye to the love of my life to protect, but I still want him. We have to move half way across the world to protect our child, I am afraid Cole will find a way to take this baby from me too. It's just too much."

"You mean you said goodbye to the man that was crying like a he lost everything in Taylor's front yard?"

"Yes, and it is the worst mistake I have ever made in my life," I cry harder.

"Then go fix it," Aunt Luke demands.

"He won't take me back."

"Trust me, he will," I pull awya from the hug and look at her. Aunt Luke still looks young and just like my mom, I mean they were twins. She nods her head confirming what she said and I walk back to the car and ask her if she will be coming back. She said no, but that's just how Aunt Luke was, a few words and she could literally fix anything, hopefully she was right about this. We said goodbye and parted our ways. As I drive back to Taylor's house, I try to fix out how I could possible apologize to Cameron. I threw away everything we are, how could he want me back. As I got closer to the house, I could see what Aunt Luke meant. Cameron was sitting in the middle of the yard convulsing, Taylor pacing back and forth, Tiffany, Gilinsky, and Johnson talking among themselves, and Nash, Hayes and Rose standing in the front door. Quickly pulling into the driveway, I jump out, and run straight to Cameron. I stop right in front of him before I get any closer, he must not have heard me drive up over his cries, all I do is stand there and look at who I have broken. I inch my way closer and just collapse onto Cam. He tenses at the sudden contact of anyother body, but loosen when he must know it's me.

"Cameron. I know you will never forgive for what I have done and said, but I can't lose you, if I have to take the chance of losing you forever, then never having you at all, I will take that chance, I now know what I said isn't fair, to either of us. I love you," I weep into his back as I lean over his head. Cam sits up and rips me into his chest, and cries into mine.

"Clark. You're right, what you said wasn't fair. There was no say for how I felt, but I understand why you don't or didn't want me, but I will take the chance of dying, then not being with my family. You and Baby Dallas are far to important to me then my own life. I love you," he cried.

Cameron Dallas POV

"Baby Dallas," she questions as she sits up looking at me with her, now soft, green eyes.

"You don't like it?" I comment wiping the tears from under her eyes.

"I love it, just like I love you," she replies looking down. I pull up her chin, and kiss her. I kiss her with more love then I ever thought was possible. Standing up, I pull he up and carry her to Taylor because I know he is move then confused and just wants Clark to be happy. I set her down and she goes running to him.

"Do not ever leave without telling someone where you are. I nearly had a heart attack, he said louding, with obvious sounding tears in his voice.

"Promise,"she whispered back. Clark broke away from Taylor and come back over to me, it was now or never.

"Marry me," I ask. Clark looks at me with her green eyes, and just stares.

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