16: Guys Probably Put Him On Their Dream Board

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I was conscious of a car door opening and my body being picked up

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I was conscious of a car door opening and my body being picked up. I lay limp for a second, too tired to move before I realised what was happening.

My eyes opened, adjusting to the darkness immediately, before looking up to see who was carrying me, my vision blurry from the alcohol I'd been downing.

"I'm awake," my voice was groggy and I cleared my throat, looking around at our surroundings and realising I was at Sebastian's house. I bit my lip out of nervousness as I his car he'd just gotten me out of was parked in the driveway.

Drunk and high driving. Can he not put my life at risk?

"Cool." Sebastian didn't seem impressed or worried about me being awake as he continued carrying me.

"As in, I can walk." My voice was slightly slurred as I looked up at him, beginning to get annoyed at him for not putting me down.

He unlocked the front door and waited until we reached the carpet before dropping me, a wide etched smirk resting on his face comfortably. I swear that thing was always on his face.

"What was that for?" I rubbed my knee that I'd hurt and glared up at him, getting up, which proved to be difficult as a drunken mess.

"Clearly you're not very good at walking," he ruffled my hair and walks off, resulting in me walking after him, not knowing where else to go.

He walked into his room and I stood there for a moment, not sure if I should too. I thought about it before walking straight in, if I wasn't meant to go in, he would have told me not to, I was sure of it.

I looked at Sebastian, his shirt half off and I couldn't help but stare, there was a lot to look at after all. His pants were next and I suddenly realise what I was looking at.

"Shit." I looked away and at anywhere that wasn't him. He just turned to me and chuckled, not bothering to cover anything up. I'd came to the conclusion that guys don't tend to bother or feel self-conscious about that shit.

He tsked at me and grinned, "did you enjoy the show, sweetheart?"

"You know, for a guy who gets a lot of pussy, I'm not that impressed." I quoted what he said to me weeks ago, hoping it would have some effect on him. Of course in my drunk mind, I wouldn't think Sebastian even had anything to be self-conscious about.

Guys probably put him on their dream board.

"I'm just flattered you said I get a lot of pussy," he grinned and winked at me, and I suddenly realised that he had only boxers on. I gulped and shut my eyes again after realising I was staring.

Aubrey, you don't get nervous about stupid stuff like this. You've seen plenty of guys without clothes.

"Can you put pants on?" I inwardly groaned at how dumb I sounded saying that. He just chuckled again.

"Why are you nervous about me not having pants on?" His eyebrows furrowed. It wasn't quite the smartass comment he would usually give, and it made me feel uncomfortable to answer it. I don't know why I'm nervous about that. "I'm not cracking onto you, babe."

There was the smart ass, Sebastian, I knew and despised.

"Where am I sleeping?" He shrugged. "Spare room? Couch? Take your pick."

He laid down in his bed, not bothering to put the doona on. I stood there for a second or two until I was sure my eyes would remain off him, I began to speak. "Can you-- I mean where's the spare room?"

He pointed in the direction of it, "down the hall."

I left his room, practically banging my head against the wall outside. Did I actually just stutter my words?

I walked up the hall and sure enough, the room I was looking for wasn't far away from his. Walking in, I glanced around. There wasn't much in it, a bed, a bedside cupboard, a lamp and toys on the floor. I should probably add that the doona folded on the floor had Doc Mcstuffins on it, with a pink hearted blanket next to it.

I gave a half smile at the fact he'd had bought Marley things for when she came over. I wondered just how often she sleeps over, and why? I didn't think it was because she chose to. You could see her love for Sebastian loud and clear but there was something off.

I took off Sebastian's sweat pants knowing I'd be hot and laid down softly on the bed, pulling the white blanket over me and seconds later falling into a deep sleep.

I took off Sebastian's sweat pants knowing I'd be hot and laid down softly on the bed, pulling the white blanket over me and seconds later falling into a deep sleep

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My eyes opened and I blinked a few times, looking around at my surroundings in the darkness. A confused look pondered across my face for a moment before I realised where I was.

I got up from the bed, holding my head as I do, bending down and rummaging in the bed to find my phone and check the time. My hands feel nothing and I groaned. I probably lost it.

I stretched as I got up, my throat dry and my eyes begging to fall back asleep. I walked to the bedroom door and opened it quietly, before heading down the hallway, turning into the kitchen to get water.

After a few moments in the dark kitchen filling up the glass, I turned to take it back to the room.

"Fuck!" My body collided with something and I fell back to the floor, landing on my bum, the glass in my hands falling to the floor and smashing.  To be honest, I was 300% sure a murderer just knocked me over.

"What the fuck," I heard the voice and slowly gazed up to see Sebastian looking down at me, before helping me up. "I forgot you were here."

He stood there still looking at me, hair messy and demeanour slightly less intimidating.

"I was just getting a drink, I'll clean it up." I rub bedthe back of my neck and crouch down to pick the bigger pieces of glass up.

"Go back to bed, I'll do it, knowing you you'll end up without a finger." Sebastian crouched down too, his hand grazing mine as he helped pick up the glass, before looking across at me.

I stared back at him, noticing how blue his eyes were even in the dark. My eyes couldn't help but flicker down to his lips and his did the same.

"Go back to bed."

I stood quiet for a second, not failing to notice his eyes trailing to my body. I realised I had no pants on, and looked down at myself, my cheeks flushing red, making me  look even more like a kid than I did earlier when he had gotten undressed.

"Okay." My eyes stay rested on his face as I tried my hardest not to let mine wander.

I stood up and walked away without a second thought.

I wasn't just about to kiss him, was I?

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