Learning To Forget (Chapter 2)

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Matthew's POV

I cant believe what i see, her car is trashed and she is no where to be seen. Maybe she is all right, she is probably just sitting getting a check up then she will come back to the house and live with the 2 other boys, Jessica, Ellie and I.

I know that isn't true though the car is smashed on the driver's side, it is tipped upside down and is all burned up. I know its all my fault, i was texting her while she was driving... I caused my love to get hurt. If I hurt her badly I wouldn't ever forgive myself. I just need to see her before I torture myself by thinking of he.

?.. POV

"We need to move Claire to a surgical hospital to operate on her." the doctor explained.

"Yes I think that will be best for her. But I do have one question." he nods so I could continue "how badly was she injured?"

"She has a smashed arm, cracked ribs, and a brain tumor that we need to remove." he says "Also there is a 70% chance of her memory might not come back of people or even herself and she probably wont ever remember it again." YES! She wont remember her no good boyfriend Matthew. I never wanted her to date him, now she could forget all I've done to her, we could start all over.

"Ya. that's ok." I nod.

"we will move her out straight away." he smiles to assure me it would be alright then he walks away.

I walk over to my wife and explained what is happening and she starts to cry. "Claire wont remember who we are?" I nod. "Or Matthew, Jessica, Ellie?" again I nod.

"We will need to help her remember..." I smirk while adding "Well she will remember what we want her to." Alicia smirks.

"well Jim I agree with that. Now what should we tell her first?"

"my dear Alicia we should tell her who to hang out with and who not to.... like we can tell her about her best friends but about her boyfriend we could tell her that he was a player and that he tried to hurt her..."

"I like that idea." she smiled evilly then kissed my lips.

"We're about to bring her to the hospital." We nod and get into the ambulance with Claire.

While we were driving, Claire suddenly woke up.

"Where am I...? Who are you?!" She looks at us with shock and horror.

"Hey sweety..." i was cut off by her.

"Who are you?!" She says a little bit louder.

I hesitated. "We're your parents. We love you, you know that." I said.

"You... you are? I have parents... i would remember my parents!" She says.

"No, you got into a extreme car wreck and you apparently forgot everyone. Even for the smartest people, they would forget. Thats how bad it was." Even though i didn't like Matthew, i was iching to tell her about him. I guess i better tell her.

"You boyfriend, Matthew L..." she cut me off.

"Oh...uh... Matthew Le...Lee, i think... Es... Espar... Esparza... No.... uh... Espinosa... right? She remembered him like that! How could she remember 'him' but not us!!! Alicia looked like she was thinking the same thing.

"How do you know him? You forgot everything!" I half shouted.

"Well...i don't really know... i just know that i love him for some reason, i guess he is my boyfriend... but yea... i don't know..." She said.

"How could you remember him!!! You don't love him!!!!" I scream at Claire.

"Look, i don't know who you are but if i remember anybody, its Matthew." She said.

At this point, i was furious. How could she remember Matthew and not us! "Matthew tried to hurt you! Thats why your all beat up!"i blurted out. I didn't have anything else to say, and besides thats what we were going to do anyway.

"What? He.. he did?" She sounded heartbroken.

I hated to do this to her but this was for her own good. "Yes. He used you. He doesn't like you. He's bad meat." I said.

"I don't believe this!" She shifted her body over the edge and i held her for support. "Don't touch me...! I don't even know you!" I let go of her because i know how hard she can hit, lets just say she isvery protective of her friends and family. She supported all her weight on her feet. She screeched in pain. "Ah. Oh my gods. Oww!!!" She layed back down. Once i thought she was done trying, she got up again. "Ahh, oww!!!!" She screamed but kept walking.

"What are you doing?! Sit back down! Your going to hurt yourself!" Alicia said.

"No! You can't tell me what to do! I don't know you!" She screamed very disrespectfully to her.

"Don't talk to your mother that way!" I scolded her.

"No i'm going away from you people... i don't know you!!" She snapped.

"Where are you going" not that she is going anywhere but might as well ask.

"I'm going to find Matt, don't follow me... i don..." the truck swayed and she fell. She hit her head and was out like a light.

"Well thats going to make her forget Matt." I chuckled and Alicia giggled with me.

"Yea. Haha. Lets get her up."

We got her back onto the bed and talked about what we were going to tell her.

"Alright guys lets get her into the hospital." The doctor said. We nodded and got her into the room. They got work on the surgerey.

Alicia and I fell asleep in the room.

~The Next Day~

Matthew's POV

I checked every hospital in the city, but i couldn't find the right one.

I saw the 'Arizona State Surgical Hospital' and walked into the building.

"Hello. Is there a Claire Kendle here?" I asked the lady at the desk. She looked through her papers.

"Yes i believe we do. Would you like to visit her?" My heart skipped a beat. Yes! After all this work, it finally payed off

"Yes! I would really apreciate that!" I said a little to quickly.

"Okay, we just need you to fill out some paper work and we will show you her room."

She showed me the room.

"Now, you have to be careful with Claire. She doesn't remember anybody, not even herself." The lady said.

"What else is wrong?" I asked in consurn.

"She has a smashed arm, broken ribs, and a brain tumar." I was shocked by that but i could understand.

"Okay thank you." I said and walked into the room where Claire's broken body was.

Her parents were sleeping on the couch next to the bed. I stared down at her face.

Her eyes suddenly flickered open. She made a confused look that made her eyes into a deeper almound shape.

"I...i... know you." She said to me. "But i don't know you."

"Oh... Alicia? He's here." Her father Jim told her mom.

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