Can i ever know? (Chapter 3)

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*Matthew's POV*

"I am here Alicia." I glared at her. She gave me a snobby look.

"Hello Matthew." She hissed.

"Claire doesn't want to see you right no..." Claire cut her off.

"You don't know that." Claire snapped.

"Well do you want to talk to him or not?!" Alicia obviously overreacted.

"I uh... yes i do." Claire said. Oh my god thank the gods, i was scared she was going to say she didn't want to see me. "I think... i am pretty sure i know him." My heart jumped up and down. I smiled big and she stared into my eyes and smiled too.

"Oh my god! Claire!!!!!! Why do you have to be so difficult?!?! Why are you even my..." Jim cut her off.

"Now sweety, lets not get like this." He said calmly. "Remember what the doctor said? Don't argue with Claire, let her make her own decisions."

"But..." She was cut off by Jim.

"Alicia... stop. Respect Claire." He said.

"No. She is my..."

"Alicia stop." Jim said annoyed.

"I don't care what sh..."

"God damnit Alicia! Just leave Matthew and Claire alone! She started dating him for a reason! Just back off and lets give them some time." He yelled at her.

"Fine... whatever!" She snapped then sent me a death glare. If looks could kill jim and i would be died by now.

"Bye-bye now!" I smirked her. She gave me the middle finger and i happily returned it and jim dragged her out the door.

After they left-and after alicia shouted not nice names at me- i turn to claire who was looking down at her hands. I walked over to her bed slowly and as quiet as i could, i finally spoke to her "Hey claire....."

"Ummm.... hey...." she paused for a second like she was trying to remember my name which broke my heart in half about.

"Matthew..." i answered for her. She nodded like she remembered now but i could tell she was trying not to hurt me.

She sighed looking into my eyes "can i be honest?" I nodded.
"I cant remember anything what so ever... i dont have a clue who you are..."
i looked down feeling tears threatening to fall but i couldnt let them.

"Well my name is Matthew Lee Espinosa i was your best friend since we were in 7th grade then 2 years ago i stared to like you more then a friend and a year later i asked you out and you said yes." I looked at her face to see if there was any emotion but all there was only confusion and wondering, then i continued "we went out and i asked you to be my girl friend and you said in these exact words....." i took a deep breath for effect.... "fuck to the yes Matthew!' Then you grabbed my head and kissed me. " i chuckled at the memory.
"I-I'm so sorry. I wish I could remember, I really do! I'll try my hardest." I said and I meant it.
He looked a little sad but also glad. Probably because I said I would try.
"Um... I guess I'll leave..." i said awkwardly scratching the back of his head.
"No. Stay!" She insisted.
I wanted him to stay. I kinda enjoyed his company, even though I don't really know him...
But at the sane time I do know him. I feel like I know his interests and stuff but not him.
Its frustrating really.
I hate not knowing things, I guess it's an Anxiety problem.
I remember myself, but not anyone involved with me.
I remember the date of my birthday and I know I have a dog but not its name.
Ugh... life.
But the one thing I remember is... well... the drama. I don't remember the people... but I remember what I did.
Anyway, with 'Matthew' around, I may regain my memory of him or other people.
Plus he's kinda cute...
"What?" He said.
"You just said I was cute." He pointed at me.
I felt my face get red.
"I-I did?" I said.
He grinned and nodded.
"Yes ma'am you did." He said.
At this point I felt as red as a tomato.
Did I really just say that out loud?
Way to go Claire way to go.
"Its okay Claire. Its not like I haven't heard it from you before." He smirked.
I guess that's true.
"Um... do you by any chance have pictures of me and you... maybe it will regain my memory." I said.
His face brightened and he pulled out his phone.
He showed me one of us kissing.
Awe! We looked so cute!
There was one of him giving me a piggyback ride and a couple of just us.

Maybe this guy isn't lying. I mean it explains us in the pictures and if the car wreck wasn't true why would i be here?

I stayed there for a couple of minutes trying to fish out memories that might still be in my head.


I'll just have to wait it out i guess.


Author's note:

Oh my jinxx guys i'm so sorry we haven't been updating. I was so busy working on my other story i hadn't realized it has been like 6 months since we updated!

I feel really bad now.

But this is just a filler chapter i guess. So new one up soon!


-Taylor, Erica, and Angela

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