Twin Saviors

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Bekka's POV

        "Toss me your wrist tape, babe" I demand, sweetly. Dean finishes taping his hands and turns to me,

        "What's the magic word?" He responds.

        I rub my chin, "Is it Mr.-US-Champ?" I ask, putting my hand out for the tape.

        Dean laughs and gives it to me, "Actually, I was going for a 'please' but that'll work, too" I wrap my wrists, put on my gloves, and head to the hallway, blowing him a kiss. Word around the locker room is that Kane's looking for me. The hounds said that they would step in if he got anywhere near me, but I know that I can take the big red fuckface on my own. I swear on it. I'm about to compete against Layla for my Women's Championship. I've had it for a year and three months now, slowly but surly approaching Aunt Trish's record.

        My entrance music starts and I step through the curtain, holding up my title. I get to the ring and my music stops as Layla's begins. Normally I would have my three favorite guys at ringside, but I told them it wouldn't be necessary. The bell rings and we lock up. I give her a high-knee to the face, crushing her nose. I whip her into the ropes, causing her to bounce off into a viscous clothesline. I yank her up my her locks and smash her into the turnbuckle pad. I step back a few inches and launch at her with a big boot, causing her to fall to the floor. I jump out on the ring and shove her back onto the mat. I climb the top rope and wait for her to stand. As soon as Layla gets to her feet, I hit her with my finisher, "Checkmate", or a flying dropkick to a standing opponent. I go for the cover:




        But instead of the bell ringing for my victory, a huge explosion echos through the arena.

Author's POV

        The Shield was watching their teammate from the viewing area when the three of them get jumped. Evolution. They tried fighting back, but they were too distracted by the television, showing Kane walking to the ring that Bekka was standing in. They tried to escape and help their friend, but it was no use.

Bekka's POV

        I stood, staring at the masked man who was approaching me. I guess the rumors were true. I fold my arms, not backing down. Kane pulls himself into the ring and stares me down. I smirk and try exiting the ring, but as I turn around, my hair begins to pull me back. The son of a bitch had my hair in his grip and refused to let go. I swung my foot around, kicking him in the shoulder as he releases my locks. That just made him angrier. I stood against the ropes, wondering if Dean or even Seth and Roman were going to help. Nothing. My eyes widen as he grasps my neck. My feet pull an inch off the ground before two figures start hitting him from behind. I fall to the mat and slide out of the ring.

        I step back and see Jimmy and Jey Uso punching Kane. Sadly, it isn't enough. Kane puts his left hand on Jimmy's neck and his right on Jey's. I climb to the turnbuckle and give him an earth-shattering dropkick to the temple, causing him to collapse. I stand and thank the twins for helping. "No worries" they told me in unison. We get back stage and I'm greeted by Stephanie McMahon, who told he about the attack from her husband and his cronies. I run to the trainer's room to find Roman, Ryder, Seth, Angel, and Dean. Dean was holding an icepack to his head while Seth had one to his knee and Rome was holding one to his elbow while Ryder held one on his head.

        "Are you okay? What happened?" I worried, running to Dean's aid.

        "Not important. How the hell did you survive Kane?" He skipped my question with another. I point to the doorway where the Uso's stood. Dean gave them a thumbs up while Roman thanked his cousins.

        "I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you. I knew we should've went out there, knowing he was on the loose" Dean apologized. 

        I shook my head, "It's not your fault, baby" I whispered, kissing his head where the icepack once was. I left the room to find the twins to thank them once again.

        "Thanks again, you two. I would have been on the receiving end of a chokeslam again if you didn't come" I told, kindly.

        Jey put his hand on my shoulder, "Anytime, Beks." I pull them both in for hugs and then Naomi joins in, randomly.

        "I don't know why ya'll are hugging but I want in" She joked.

        "You seriously didn't see what happened?" I questioned. Naomi raised an eyebrow,

        "Trust me, girl. I'm pretty sure everyone saw that. Where were your knights in tactical armor, though?" She quizzed.

        I frown, "The dumbfucks in Evolution got to them before they got to me" I admitted. She shook her head in disgust. 

Naomi's POV

        Bekka went back to the trainer's room, so I had to ask.

        "Alright, which one of you decided to be sweet and help her?"

        They exchange glances and Jimmy points to Jey, "This Uso, right here" Jey began to blush like a rose.

        "Awe! It's okay to have a little crush!" I tease. Jey's face goes from a pink mess to a 'Your fucking joking, right?' face.

        "Um... No, it isn't. You know who she's dating, right?" He tried me.

        I nod, "I do. But do you know who his best friend is? YOUR cousin. Dean isn't going to lay a finger on you if Roman or Bekka have anything to do with it"

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