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Bekka's POV

        I sat on the couch in my office, thinking.

        "Doesn't get easier, does it?"A voice asks from the corner. I look over and see Dean with his 'I know exactly what you're thinking about' face.

        I shake my head, "It doesn't" He steps forward some more,

        "Then why are you being hesitant about this? If you want us to work, you have to show me that you want it to!"

        I stood to my feet, "It isn't that simple, Dean. I can't just go back to you after seeing you that night. It was like I wasn't even looking at my own boyfriend!"

        "It wasn't easy for me to know that Jey had a thing for you. I've been in those kinds of relationships where the girl is constantly flirting with other men and I just didn't want that to happen" He admitted. 

        I began to tear up a bit, "You can trust me. Trust was what made our relationship work. Trust was the reason that you wanted to marry me. Trust is the reason why I'm begging you to look me in the eye, not as Dean Ambrose the 'big bad lunatic', but as the Dean Ambrose that I was crazy for from the beginning; and tell me your honest reason for making me afraid of you."

        Right then, I saw remorse form in his eyes. "If I had an answer, I would give it to you. But the truth is, I'm afraid of myself. I'm afraid that one day I'm going to crack and you're going to leave me for good because I can't handle myself..." Dean's voice trailed off as he got closer, leaving no space between us. "I'm broken, Rebekka. Fix me." 

        I weave my fingers between his and speak calmly, "I might not be able to fix you, but I will be there to keep you from shattering even more." I released my grip from his hands and wrapped my arms around his upper torso, hugging him tightly. 

        Dean pulled me off of him and got down on his knee,

        "Ever since what happened, I've had this on me at all times" He told, pulling the stunning engagement ring I once wore from his vest pocket. He took my left hand and slid the ring onto my finger and then stood up. He put his fingers in the front belt-loops of my jeans and pulled me close, giving me a mind-blowing smooch.

        I go to the main locker room during Dean's match because the hounds were banned from ringside.

        "Damn! Look at that rock!" Cameron yelled, grabbing my hand to get a closer look at the ring. "Let me guess... Dean?"

        I nodded, "He gave me the most heartfelt apology ever. I even cried a little" Her eyes immediately darted toward the door,

        "Uh oh..." I look behind me and see nothing.

        "What?" I question.

        "Jey was standing there, listening to what we were staying" She informed me. Without a word, I stormed into the hallway to look for him.

        "Yeah, just forgive him for what he did to you" Jey said after I found him.

        "Why are you so angry about this?" I question.

        "Because it's Dean we're talking about here. I'd hate to be the one to break it to you, Beks, but he's going to hurt you and I don't want to be there when he does it" He yelled back.

        "Then don't be there! I thought we were friends! I stood up for you! I saved you and Jimmy from being on the receiving end of a chokeslam and you just abandon me like this?" I rage.

        Jey balls his fists and gets louder, "Well now you know how I feel! I have helped you from the beginning and you still go back to Ambrose."

        "That's different. You don't realize that I like the fact that we're friends. You can't stand the fact that I'm happy again and you aren't the one causing it. In fact, you're doing the complete opposite of making me happy" I admit. I turn around and walk off before he could speak.

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