forks high School

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"Shh don't wake them up until I say so"

"I don't want to do this"

"Why? it's not like they're going to murder us"

"Percy won't but Annie will"

"Hmm true but whatever let's do this"

I heard electricity cracking and that's when I decided to scare them 



I snickered at their reaction and slowly got up from the  bed resulting on waking up my wisegirl

"What's going on?" Annabeth asked 

"Nothing just that my two lovely cousins here tried to wake us up by electrifying us," I said snickering at their faces

Thalia and Nico smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of their necks and looking around for an exit 

We chuckled at their nervousness 

"just go get ready and I'll go do breakfast," Annabeth said getting out of bed

I pouted

"annieeee come back to meee" I whined trying to reach for her

They chuckled at me and Annabeth pulled me out of bed

"ughhh fineee"

*Time skip to when they're at school cuz I feel like it*

Once we got out of our cars I felt everybody's eyes on us

I looked at Thalia and Nico knowing that they knew what I was silently asking them

They grinned at me and ran to me linking our arms together. We then started to skip to the office while singing the smurf song

Annabeth followed us while chuckling at our randomness

*When they finally reach the office*

"Helllooooooo!!!!" I yelled which got me weird looks from outside

We shrugged 

"Oh hello, dears I'm assuming you're the new students?" An elderly lady said 

"Yeah we are so can we get our schedules now?" Pinecone face said annoyed


"Owie Annie, why'd you do that for?" Thalia said rubbing the back of her head

Annabeth scowled at her

"One for calling me Annie and second for being so rude to the elderly lady right here so say sorry or no more blue food for you," She said 


What the hades no more blue food?!! 

Even though me and Nico knew that Annabeth was talking to Thalia we knew that it would affect us too if we are mean to other people 

We all paled and Thalia turned around to apologize to the elderly lady who was watching us with amusement while chuckling

"Sorry ma'am" Thalia mumbled

"It's fine dearie besides it's been a long time since I've even had this much fun watching teenagers fight," The elderly lady said still chuckling and handing us our schedules

I was quick to compare our schedules 

"YAYYYY!!!" I squealed jumping around

I heard them laugh at me but pffftttt.... whatevers  

"What happened kelp head?" Thalia asked me amusement still in her voice

"We're all in the same classes for all of them," I told them still jumping around 

Thala, Nico, and I grinned at each other while  Annabeth just chuckled at us

"C'mon guys let's get to class"

And with that, we grinned and waved to elderly lady who just waved back and shook her head in amusement 

*Time skip to when they're at lunch*

(Switching POVs just a warning)

(Bella Swan)

Is it me or is everyone acting weird today? I wouldn't know because they refuse to tell me what's going on well until I saw it

4 new kids 

Are you freaking kidding me?

I turned to glare at the 5 people who stood in front of me protectively until I decided to pull Edward down to look at my glare

"What the hell Edward?! they're just new kids what's wrong with them that all of decide to go all protective huh?!" I whispered yelled at Edward for the first part but the last part was directed to all of them still in a protective stance

"You're right I'm sorry my love but they don't smell normal that's why and we don't want anything happening to you," Edward said kissing my forehead

I normally wouldn't mind them like that but c'mon the new kids aren't vampires since they still have a normal eye color and still have color in their faces so that proves that they are human

I sighed but nodded anyway knowing I wouldn't win

I'm so sorry for the delay you guys School has been keeping me busy so be aware that I can't update as much as I would like to but don't worry I'm already working on the next chapter bye my lovely fans!!

- Your author,

Mary Mendez

Percy Jackson and twilight crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now