At the Cullens part 1

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When we parted ways from those strange kids I kept thinking what is strange about them that can help me figure out what they are.

"Edward, what are you thinking about?" I heard my Bella ask me in a soft voice 

"Nothing my love I'm just trying to figure out what those kids are," I told her 

"Edward Cullen leave them alone they haven't done anything so until they do you have to stop trying to figure what they are until they decide to tell us,"My love told me in a stern voice

I sighed since I knew Bella can be stubborn and might get mad at me 

"Okay I'll try" I said dryly

(Time skip to when Percy, Annabeth,Nico, and Thalia go to their house)

'Ugghhhh why can't they come sooner so that they can just tell us what they know'


I looked up only to see jasper at the doorway of my room.

I glared at him

"What jasper" I said coldly

I felt myself calm down

"You need to stop being frustrated they'll tell us eventually" he said calmly

(Switching p.o.vs)


*after school*

"Annie can we not go" I whined feeling to lazy to go

Annabeth turned and glared at me

"No" she said sternly

Percy and Nico snickered at me getting a glare from me making them burst out laughing

"Enough boys" Annabeth said

"Okay let's go to the vamps house" Percy said after finishing laughing and remained his composure

*at the cullens*

"yo vamps we here" Percy stupidly yelled

"Boys" me and Annabeth mumbled under our breath while Nico just chuckled

"Come in" pixie vamp said opening the door

We walked in and I yelled

"Everyone that is a vampire in the house and if that mortal is with u being your asses down here"

Suddenly there was six more vamps in the room and the mortal in the arms of a vamp with reddish and bronze hair

"So who's in charge of your clan" Nico asked bored

"I am" a blonde man with his hair gelled back said stepping forward

" k well explain why you're here and if we decide your safe enough to be around mortal we won't kill you'"
Percy said casually  but I can see that while we were talking Annabeth was studying the details

"Of course we are here because we think we're able to survive without human blood but we feed on animal blood" I'm assuming his wife said stepping next to the blonde man

I growled when they said they feed on animals

" you feed on what?!" I sneered at her

"animal blood"

my anger got the best of me and I made lightning still in their front porch making all of them step back warily


I growled at them before I marched outside

Percy Jackson and twilight crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now