Chapter 2: Scared To Die,Scared of Hell

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Well...that was 1 fear. Taehyung has to deal with a whole bunch before he gets confidence. Well...he isn't gonna die to get rid of his fear, but...something similar... He scared to die cause he is scared of...

A/N: I feel sad now that IU and Red Velvet will be the mean girls in here...I love both of them I don't wanna do it, but that's the first off top my head..😭 Black Pink I'm using for something else cause I know them better than Red Velvet.

Warning: Horrible language, cussing, and attempt suicide

Monday, school, 8:45am



"He should just die!"

"So fucking stupid!"


"Such a bitch to Jungkook! He needs to go away!"

"I heard he is scared of everything!"

Taehyung looked down as he walked down the hall, taking the insults in. He made it to his locker in piece and unlocked the lock, pulling his Chemistry book out. But as soon as he closed his locker, his book got slapped out of his grip and onto the floor, making a loud boom and grabbing every students attention.

"Why is a little bitch like you still here? Why a chemistry book when your gonna be forgotten history?" IU says, having 5 other girls behind her.

"But I don't think-"

"Shut up Yeri!"

Yeri made a scared sound and looked down. Taehyung didn't mummer a word to please her. IU noticed and push Taehyung back, his head hitting the locker. He hears laughter all around the halls, but he ignores it. Taehyung gets up, grab his chemistry book off the ground and slowly walk to his homeroom.

Time Skip 12:53pm

"Taehyung-hyung!" Jungkook called out. He jogged to his friend that was at the bench with his head down and hood on. "Taehyung-hyung, why aren't you at lunch? Come on!"

"Sorry Kookie, but I'm busy," Taehyung says and tries to go away...

Key word:Tries to

Jungkook pulled his arm before he got away and Taehyung flinches at the touch. Jungkook notices and let's go of his wrist, holding his pinky now. He turned Tae around and pull off his hood. Jungkook gasps..

"What the hell happened!! Who did that to you-your face!" Jungkook fussed. Tae just looks down ashamed. He didn't want to say what happened.

"I fell down the stairs," Taehyung lied. IU and Irene pushed me down 3 flights of stairs and kicked on me, making my sides hurt and scares on my face kookie please don't trust them anymore, Taehyung wants to say but doesn't say it.

"Is that true?" Jungkook suspiciously asks.

"Yes," well at least half of it is..

"Okay then, but let's go to the nurse! Some pabo hyung!" Jungkook states and kisses Taehyung's cheek and walks with him. They usually kiss each others cheeks to show they care and that they will be together. But both didn't know what was gonna change while they walked side by side.

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