Taehyung can't swim. And of he tried, he would sink. Deep deep down underwater, where no one will suspect. Its too dangerous!
A/N:its short again but still again, Its about Taehyung facing his fear of swimming.
Warning:Drowning and Cussing
March 19,Taehyung's House, 6:39pm
Ah! Spring! When the flowers bloom, when love is in the air, and the warmness spreads around. I'm fact, a little bit too much warmness...
Taehyung lies on the only thing that is cold. The air outside it so moist and too warm, it makes his head dizzy. Right now, he's laying on the floor, tang top on and black jeans on. He whines when the door opens and the room feels of moist once again.
"Oh god! Honey are you okay?" He hears Eunhyun call but he ignores it and whines again.
"I feel moist!"
"Take a bath then!"
"I already did Eomma!"
Taehyung whimpers and rolls on the floor, not finding any coldness anymore.
"Its too warm!" Taehyung whines and rolls again, trying to find another cold spot. He stands up and runs to the kitchen and places his head in the fridge. He moans when the coldness surrounds him.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm just sensitive to these things!" Taehyung explains.
"But I never seen you like this!" Eunhyun says and pulls the boy away from the fridge before he gets hypothermia.
"No! Cold...need...now!" He pants and tries to break free from his mother's grip.
"You'll get hypothermia!"
"Uh hyung?"
Both Kim's turn to look at who just walked in. Once they realized it was Jungkook, they both scatter and act like nothing happened at all.
"Kookie!" Taehyung squeals and launched himself at the younger, who is confused.
"Ah! Jungkook! When did you get here?" Eunhyun asks as she can finally take off her jacket. She now understand why Tae wanted to put his head in the fridge.
"Just now...I was here to check on Tae-Tae hyung because the moisture outside is a lot and I know he's sensitive to it." Jungkook explains, making Eunhyun eyes widen.
"How come you know and I didn't?"
"You would usually be gone for this time. This is the first time I've seen you here Mrs.Kim" Jungkook says and raps his arm around his hyung, who is still clinging onto him.

FEAR: The Book Of His Life[Vkook]
FanfictionThis may sound silly but it's true, so don't pretend it ain't you too. Were all afraid of something here.. ....'cause you ain't human without fear... That's what Taehyung had to learn.... Inspired By: Fear - Jasmine Sullivan