Well that was rather quick was it? Now let's take thing slow~! Tae still got a lot of fears to go through and some include with being touched. Taehyung is the type of person that looks so fluffy that you want to kiss and hug him to death. But the truth is you can't touch him..he'll flinch away..because he's scared to touch...
A/N: I forgot to mention that if it says Fear # incomplete, cause he still has that fear and it won't wear off until another chapter that will be on the same thing. Also these aren't one shots sadly...and please don't be a silent reader! Give me some advice! Thank you and enjoy!
Warnings: Cussing and Bleeding
Wednesday school, 2:34pm
Its been 2 months since the incident happened. Taehyung's cast on his arm is off now that it's healed but his leg still got a cast, but he can still walk. Taehyung, Jimin, Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi has been ignoring Jungkook ever since. Tae doesn't know why they are ignoring him, but all he knows is to stop talking to him. And since he's ignoring him, he hasn't gotten beaten up in a while. But..what happens if...."Spppttt!"
What the fuck?!
"Spppttttt!!! Tae!"
Who is calling his name?
"Yah! Tae-Tae!"
Taehyung turned around when he heard his nick name. He looks around and see no one.
"Me! Over here!"
Taehyung snaps his neck to the left to see Jungkook waving at him with a smile and then hold up his pencil. The led is broke.
Taehyung turned back around and ignored his crush. He heard Jungkook again and he raises his hand up.
"Yes Mr.Kim?" Ms.Min, the math teacher, asks. She stops writing and draws her attention on Taehyung.
"May I please use the restroom," Taehyung asks politely and the teacher nods her head, going back to the lesson. Taehyung gets up slowly because of the cast and walks out of class.
He walks all the way to the school's garden filled with trees with fallen leaves sine its fall, the plants are now either dying or covered in leaves.
Taehyung walks down the sentiment walk way, leaves crunching with each step he takes. The cold breeze hits Tae and he shivers, covering himself with his thin jacket. He sighs tiredly and walks to the school's cherry blossom tree, which the leaves are almost gone. He sits down on the bark of the tree and closes his eyes.
The wind blows again, making Taehyung's bangs brush out of his face and move leaves fall. He sighs calmly, thinking about him being a k-pop star, singing and dancing with a group of best friends. But he open his eyes when reality hit him.
When the bell ringed..
He gets up slowly and heads back into the building, not drawing attention. When he reaches the classroom, he bumped into something hard.
"Sorry.." Taehyung mumbles and tries to get pass the stranger. The person grabs their wrist tight and Taehyung winces, scared from the touch.

FEAR: The Book Of His Life[Vkook]
FanfictionThis may sound silly but it's true, so don't pretend it ain't you too. Were all afraid of something here.. ....'cause you ain't human without fear... That's what Taehyung had to learn.... Inspired By: Fear - Jasmine Sullivan