Chapter 9

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Dani's POV

It's all her fault. It's her fault Lauren almost died. It's her fault Amy has a swollen purple cheek. It's her fault we're stuck here, traumatized and scarred. Because of her, someone's going to get hurt tomorrow. I'm so mad at Christina. This is all her fault! Why didn't Drew just take her instead of all of us? It's her problem, not ours.

"Dani, will you please stop looking at Christina like that?" I heard Katherine ask me as I glared at my oldest sister. I ignored Katherine and just stared at the girl who caused all of this, the reason why we're all here.

"Dani, what the heck is wrong with you?" Lisa questioned me, what a tone in her voice that I never knew existed. She sounded so bossy, so sassy. That tone of voice does not fit Lisa, at all. I glanced at Lisa and made eye contact with her. Her eyes looked so cold, and she seemed so annoyed.

"She's my problem." I finally answered, putting my green eyes back on Christina. My oldest sister clenched her fists and swallowed her saliva. At least she knows that this is all her fault. I felt all of my other sisters' eyes on me, and I tried my best to ignore them. I'm not doing a really good job at it. Lauren's right next to me and it feels like she's staring deep into my soul.

"Why would you say that?" Amy asked me, super calmly. I looked into her blue eyes and I could tell that she already knows the answer to her question.

"Think about it, Amy. Whose fault is it that you have a nasty bruise on your cheek? Christina's. Whose fault is it that Lauren almost died a couple of hours ago? Christina's, again. Finally, whose fault is it that we're all stuck here, that we're all going to be tortured, possibly to death? Once again, it's Christina's fault." I told her and everybody else, raising my voice a little bit after each sentence. I noticed that Lauren looked a little confused when she shot a look at her birthday twin.

"I almost died?" Laur asked Christina, timidly and in shock. She then looked around the room, waiting for someone to answer her. When nobody did, she frowned. "So I don't have all of my memory back? You all told me that I did." Lauren continued, looking at everyone of us, except Amy, since she was in another room with Drew and his guards. Lauren was definitely pissed off. We did lie to her, and she hates liars more than anything else in the world.

"Why did you lie to her?" Amy questioned us, surprised. We all know that Lauren hates liars. Why did we lie to her? I don't really know. We all shrugged, not really knowing what to say. Lauren then stood up and walked away from us. Yup, she's mad.

"Where are you going?" Amy asked her younger sister, following her to the bed.

"Away from them." Lauren simply answered back, not even bothering to look up. Ouch. That hurts. She'll probably never forgive me and everybody else. I then felt somebody slap my shoulder pretty hard. I turned my head and saw Katherine glaring at me.

"Why'd you bring that up?" my tallest sibling questioned me, angrily. Christina and Lisa were also staring at me, a frown on their faces.

"I don't know! It just slipped! Besides, I didn't even know that she didn't remember the fact that she almost died." I exclaimed, trying to defend myself. I then glanced at Christina. "Because of you." I added. The next thing I know, Christina is sitting on top of me with both of her hands on my arms, pinning me to the ground. Sometimes I forget that she used to take boxing and karate classes. Oops.

"Will you stop reminding me that!? I know that it's my fault! I never knew that this would happen, that he'd come back and hurt us! You have no idea how badly I feel right now, Danielle, so you better shut your mouth." my eldest sister angrily spat out. She then let go of me, stood up, and walked far away from me and from everybody else.

"I guess you just woke up the lioness within her."

Author's note: Hi! Hope you liked this chapter! Not my best work, but, I do think it's still pretty good haha. I hope you're not too confused after reading this lol

Anyways, I'm going to write a one-shot/short story about a Cimorelli girl, but I don't know which one. Please comment below which Cimorelli sister you want me to write about:)

And yes, in case you noticed it, I did delete Fallen Angel. I don't have any ideas for that book:( I might put it back up but it's possible that it's going to be a completely different story.

Thank you for reading!

2 comments or more for the next chapter!:)

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