Friday The 13th Pt.2

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Warnings: Mentions of hanging, mentions of death, nightmares, knives, people panicking, suffocation, the Shadow, blood, gore.
I lope ya like it! I didn't have enough of the fic written to post all of it so Part 3 will be posted on Halloween!

(The continuation was inspired by the-laarmy on Tumblr, thank you so much for the push for me to continue this.)


(Logic POV)

The mind is a beautiful yet terrifying thing, dreams are a mixture of both. Some nights like tonight a wondrous thing happens, a lucid dream. I close my eyes and change my surroundings.

A small park is now surrounding me, leaves crunching under my feet at every step I take. A flock of geese fly overhead. Around me children and dogs play. An elderly man feeds the geese using crumbs of bread nearby.

I walk over to the man and sit next to him. He smiles and hands me a piece of bread. I take it and feed the birds with him. The moment was peaceful, the elderly man turned towards me and spoke, "You are in grave danger smart one, the dreamscape is scared for your well being."

I continued feeding the birds, "How͞ am ̕I ̀i͠ņ d̛ange̴r? ́No̵thi̶ng ćan ̡t̸o̡uch̢ m̀e̡ ̡b͜es̷i̴d͘es ͏t͡he ơt̨he͞r͡ ͝T́r̴ait͞ş."̴

The man shook his head. "Old friend, that is simply not true."
I stopped throwing crumbs and turned to face the old man,"̴I'̸m͘ p̵osi̴tive̶ I͞ ̛h̴áv̡èn̢'̢t s̕een your̵ f̡ac̶e b̵e̵f̛o͝r̶e, h͢ow ͟ar͞e ̵w͝e̵ f͜ŗíe͟n̢d́s ̀i̸f͝ ̶w҉e̴ have̷ ne͏v͏er met?"͞

The man smiled, and spoke, "No, I wouldn't expect you to remember me," The man's smile grew and he changed before my eyes, "after all," said the shadow next to me, their smile seemed to radiate cold, "most people don't remember their killer after their deaths."

The shadow conjured a knife out of thin air and threw it at a children at play sign, the point of the blade was lodged firmly in the metal pole holding up the sign, where the head of the printed on metal child used to be was the blade, black tar was now flowing from its tip and quickly enveloping the sign, it spread and raced towards me, I started to run but I was too slow the tar had engulfed my legs and moments later covered my mouth.

I panicked, I usually don't need to breathe unless I'm panicked or remind myself to do so, I had closed my mouth but the tar was finding other ways to enter my lungs, I could feel the black substance travel up my nose and force it's way into my lungs, removing the air that I desperately needed, The world was already black from the tar that was covering my eyes, the inky substance getting hotter and hotter, I screamed through the inky mass of death and it immediately slithered down my throat.
the tar was now filling the giant hole that my killer The Shadow had seared through my entire being, the tar seemed to fill every pore in my body, I screamed and screamed. everything hurt, my eyes were scorched, the black hell was pulling and twisting and contorting and oh my god the pain please make it stop everything hurts why I can't breathe, I'm dying again is this hell? I think its is pain pain pain. can't breathe I hurt. what is happening my mind is jumbled, hurting, searing searing searing scorching burning flesh dissolving pain oh god why please make this stop.

A voice was yelling in the distance, "L͝og̶an! ̀Lơga͢n!̛ ̴Wa͝ke u͏p͜!͏"

I woke to Morality shaking my shoulders and jumping on my bed, "C'm͟o̷n̢ ͞Lo! ҉T̡hom̀as͢ ̵w̢a͝nţe͟d ̵t͠o ͠s͞ee us͠ ͠t̀oday̷!" 

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