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Chloe stumbled into her apartment to find Maze within a mid-makeout session on her couch with some ditzy blonde. Chloe wasn't sure if this was what Maze happened to do on a daily basis whilst Chloe worked - something that wouldn't surprise her at all - but she could tell she'd startled Mazikeen. Leaving the brunette just as shocked as Chloe when the blonde hand wandered into their home. The rather attractive woman settled in Maze's lap let out a fruity giggle in excitement - her eyes glued on Chloe in hunger.

"Threesome? What a delightful surprise."

Chloe's eyebrows shot up at the woman's words, shaking her head frantically to ensure the girl knew she wasn't getting involved in...whatever they were up to. At the pout of disappointment from the woman, Maze visibly cringed, disgusted in the idea of sleeping with her roommate.

"She's not my type, we're going to have to reschedule. Come on, get up. I'll call you." Maze lied through her teeth. Chloe found she was a lot like Lucifer in ways, meaningless one night stands, strange metaphors. Maze's friend reluctantly clambered out of Her lap, snatching up her bag and jacket, sulking out in a huff at being denied what she wanted. Chloe shot daggers at Maze in annoyance.

"This is what you do when I'm gone? Sleep with people on my couch, that's disgusting." Chloe scolded, heading into the kitchen to pour herself a coffee seem as she'd finished the drink Lucifer had made bought her on the drive home.

Maze was on her feet in seconds, her gaze on Chloe moving swiftly around her as she put a spoonful of sugar into her mug. Mazikeen lingered over Chloe's shoulder, inches away from her skin as she took in a long inhale. The action causing Chloe to spin on her heel, wavering the woman away from her, wearing a frown on her expression.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Mazikeen took a step back, eyes trained on Chloe as she grinned from ear to ear. "Mm, that's where you've been all night..."

Chloe was sure if Maze really wanted to, she could be a detective herself. Chloe turned back to her coffee in silence, attempting to ignore the woman in hopes she'd go away. But Chloe already knew when it came to talking about Lucifer, the brunette didn't back down so easily.

"So he finally had his way with you, explains why you aren't at your human job...and the dress." Maze pestered, Chloe sighing and turning to her newfound friend in annoyance. The woman pointing her coffee covered spoon in Mazikeen's direction, the demon unfazed by the movement.

"Why does everyone think just because I slept at Lucifer's place that means I slept with him!" Chloe snapped, "He was being a nice guy, I was drunk and he let me stay in his bed whilst he slept in what I'm going to guess was your old bedroom."

"Oh." The brunette said in disappointment, even Maze was getting annoyed at how long it was taking them for them to be together.

"And I'm home early because I look like this, the Lieutenant decided he didn't need me which is completely absurd. I'm one of the best detectives and Lucifer is our most valuable asset! Despite his abnormal way of getting answers out of people!" Chloe burst out in one breath, exhausted from rambling on. "Now would you tell me you at least wash my couch, Trixie sits on there too you know."

Maze glanced over her shoulder at the couch and shrugged, "I don't usually do people on the couch, that girl just fancied it so you know, got to keep you humans interested too, right?" Maze moved back around to the couch, dropping down onto it Chloe following her and sitting on the other side of the couch, fingers curled around her mug. The woman wishing she could absorb the warmth. "So why haven't you slept with him yet? I mean, that dream you had a few weeks ago...that was Lucifer, wasn't it?"

Chloe felt her cheeks heat up, she'd made Maze swear not to bring it up again she'd been mortified when she found Maze watching her.

"Me and Lucifer...it's complicated, Maze."

Mazikeen choked out a laugh, looking at her like she was crazy. "Complicated? Come on Decker, he wants you and we can all see - even though you deny it - that you want him too. Why not go for it? I mean I know he can be a little difficult but you're the one thing he'd do anything for."

Chloe took a sip of her coffee, avoiding Maze's gaze. "I already tried to go for it once - then he vanished for three weeks. He made it clear when he came back with Candy at his arm, that he didn't want us to be more than friends. He can never decide what he wants."

Maze recalled his lack of presence, she was pondering on whether to hunt him down herself. The demon never knew what to make of Lucifer's behaviour anymore. One minute the man was up, then next he was down. The brunette remembered Chloe begging her to find him, but Maze knew it would only cause more heartbreak. She knew if Lucifer left without her or Chloe - he wasn't looking for her to be found. Besides, he'd left her to take care of LUX, without asking.

"You better trust me when I say he left for you, he found out something that messed him up just before you got sick—"

"Is that why he stormed into my room before asking if I knew, if I was apart of it?"

Chloe still thought about his words to this day,  she'd never been given an answer. Everyone refusing to speak of the subject of her near death experience. Maze had fallen silent, fiddling with her fingers as she used her next words lightly.

"He was hurt, Chloe. When he came into the bar, he was the happiest I'd ever seen him. Broad smile and all, declaring that you and he were real...I-I was supposed to be the one to break the news to him but I...I couldn't do it."

Chloe listened silently, she knew how Lucifer had felt that day, when they'd went their separate ways she couldn't wipe the smile from her face either. She hadn't felt so overwhelmed with happiness in a long time. But Chloe didn't understand how any of it was to do with her, or Lucifer in fact.

"But he found out anyway, he felt betrayed...heartbroken. He thought you knew but Amenadial assured him you were oblivious and when he got the antidote for the poisoning, he took me aside, told me that it wasn't fair, that he didn't feel like you had a choice. I didn't understand what he meant at the time. But he was giving you a choice, he didn't want you to be with him simply because you were purposely put in his path."

Chloe had heard every word perfectly, yet she still couldn't understand any of it. Nothing that had been going on lately had made sense. She didn't understand why he was giving her a choice, she'd made her choice - she'd chose him.

"I don't understand..."

"You wouldn't, but It's best not to pester Lucifer with any of it, we don't need him disappearing again. I can't be bothered to watch over his business whilst he ventures wherever." Maze advised, "Just trust that Lucifer didn't leave to hurt you, he just wanted you to be sure."

Chloe didn't bother questioning Maze further, there was no point when she could piece together anything. She didn't know how or when exactly she'd hurt Lucifer, all she could recall was the tall British man bursting in heartache lacing his tone - which quickly morphed into worry after seeing the blood. Mazikeen rose to her feet letting out a breath.

"I'm going out for a drink, you coming?"

Chloe snapped out of her thoughts, arching a brow towards her friend in disbelief. "It's half ten in the morning."

"Your point is?"

Chloe all but rolled her eyes, returning her attention to her coffee whilst it was still warm. For now, she just wanted to clear her mind of her problems, all the floating questions, the unknowing of answers. It seemed her life continued to raise more questions, throwing more mysteries her way. Then again, being a detective, mysteries were thrilling to solve.

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