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Mateo🔄 "what's happened to me?,' he thought. It was no dream." - Franz Kafka

We're sitting in detention that doesn't end until 3:30. I look over at Willow who looks pissed.

Mateo: Willow

Willow: yeah

Mateo: I came up for a idea for our project

Willow: what is it

Mateo: we can do a reverse osmosis pump out of a volcano

Willow: okay

We sat in silence for a second.

Willow: hey what were you gonna ask me yesterday?

Mateo: when

Willow: you said do I have a picture of somebody

Mateo: ohh do you have a picture of your mom?

Willow: uhh yeah I think I have one

She started swiping through pictures on her phone. I looked on my phone and asked Siri how many more days until my birthday.

She told it it was 20 more days.

Willow: hey my birthday is on the 29th too

Mateo: really?

Willow: yup. And here's the picture of my mom

She showed me it and my mouth went wide.

Mateo: do you have any more?

Willow: here's when she was in high school

She showed me it.

Mateo: Willow that looks just like my mom!

Willow: you lying

I showed her a picture of my mom.

Willow: show me a picture of your dad

I already had one ready. I pulled out my phone and showed her.

Willow: that's my dad!

Mateo: what the

Willow: do you actually think we could be brother and sister?

Mateo: no, we're twins

Willow: ohh my gosh

Mateo: do you wanna come over. I'll introduce you to my mom and see what she says

Willow: id rather see what my dad says first. Can you give me a ride home?

Mateo: uh yeah Ayo can because he's coming to get me

Willow: hoLLup, Ayo got a car?

Mateo: I roll my tongue like that too but yeah he got a car

Willow🌸 "the world keeps turning"

Soon it was 3:30 meaning we could go. I got up and so did Teo. We walked side by side in silence outside. We saw a car pull up.

Mateo: that's Ayo come on

We walked in his car.

Ayo: wassup Teo, who's she?

Mateo: my friend, can you give her a ride home?

Ayo: yeah come on

I sat in the back and Mateo sat in the passengers seat. While Ayo was pulling off he took a look in his mirror at me.

Ayo: woah!

Willow: what?

Ayo: you guys could be twins!

Mateo: that's because we are

Ayo: what you mean?

As Mateo explained how we found out and the plan I just sat back and thought why would the lie to us.

Ayo: willow what's your address

I gave it to him then got back to thinking. Once we got back to the house me and Mateo got out the car.

Ayo: want me to come in?

Mateo: no we'll be right back

Me and Mateo walk in the house after I unlock it with the key and my dad is on the couch.

Willow: hey dad

After I saw that he turns to look at me. When he looks next to me and sees Mateo his eyes go wide but only for a second.

Dad: uh hey, who he?

Willow: this is my friend I was wondering if I could go over his house to work on a project

My dad gets up and shakes Teo's hand.

Dad: hey young man um it's nice to finally- it's nice to meet you

Mateo: nice to meet you too

Me and Mateo walked out of the house. We got to the car.

Ayo: so how did it go

Willow: he was bad at hiding his surprise

Ayo laughs.

Ayo: okay lets go see how mom reacts

We drove about five minutes away to a nice house. Once we got out the car Ayo unlocked the door with his key.

As we walked in the house I heard a little boy come running down the hall. When he got to us I saw that he had a deformed face. I know that's not the right term but I don't know what is.

??: Ayo! Teo!

He hugged them.

Mateo: hey juju

Oh that must be their little brother. Ayo picked juju up. Just then their mom- our mom came walking down the stairs but stopped when she saw me.

She came walking towards me with tears in her eyes.

Mom: Willow?

She hugged me and started crying. I hugged back almost crying because of how sad this was.

Mom: Willow I'm sorry

Willow: it's.. okay

Mateo: but you have some explaining to do

My mom called my dad over to the house and once he got here we all sat down in the living room. Just me Mate, my dad and my mom.

Mom: so

Dad: we see you guys have met each other

Willow: why are we just now meeting each other? It doesn't make sense you guys better make this all make sense

Mom: okay so when you guys were born me and your dad started hating each other

Dad: so we broke up and decided that I would keep Willow

Mom: and I would keep Teo

Willow: yeah but why? Why couldn't you just be normal black parents and we could visit dad on the weekends or something?

Dad: because we both wanted a kid

Mom: but we have some news

Mateo: what?

Mom: me and your dad are getting back together!

Willow: for real!

Dad: yup so we can be one big happy family

Willow: dad shut up your so lame 😂

Mateo: five kids Issa lot

Willow: a big lot

Dad: that's why we got this big house which I own

Mateo: you own this house?

Dad: ain't that what I just said

We laughed.

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