Chapter Two

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We were walking towards Gumball's castle when Finn said, "Are we going to Princess Bubblegum's castle?" I replied, "No. This is Prince Gumball's castle." "Who's Prince Gumball?" He asked. "Who's Princess Bubblegum?" I replied. But, that's when I tripped on the castle steps. It turns out we were walking through the candy kingdom the whole time and we weren't paying attention. Finn grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. We walked up the steps and Prince Gumaball greeted us. He asked,"Who is this boy who looks just like you?" "Oh! This is Finn! Right?" Finn replied,"Yeah. Finn." Gumball looked amazed. "That is probably the first dimension since this is the second. I will build a vortex to get you back home Finn! Just give me some time." "He is just as brainy as Princess Bubblegum too!" Finn said. "I bet so." I replied "Come on Finn, let me show you around Aaa!"

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