Guess what Holiday is coming up

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XBlood: Hey guys have you seen Rayn and Ayato?

Eren:No. We haven't seen them at all today

Ganta: They're probably making out some where.

Sai: On an unrelated note, what day is it?

XBlood: October-

The lights goes off.

Sai: I knew you two forgot to pay the light bill.

XBlood: I did pay it! I think.

Lucy: What the hell is going on?

Tsukasa: I'm afraid Kagami.

Tamaki: Haruhi hold me!


XBlood: I'm not even holding onto you. Hold up. WHO EVER IS HOLDING HIM I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!!!

The song starts to skip and stop.

A wet tongue licks Sai.

????: *into Sai ears*Criss Cross. Apple sauce. 

????: *into XBlood ears* Spiders running up your back.

They both scream. Causing every to run around like ants, bumping into each other.

Suddenly, a red balloon comes into the room. It bumps into Happy.

Happy: A balloon?

Everyone stops and looks at the balloon.

Goku: Is there a party going on?

Shiro: I love parties.

??????:*whispers* You'll float too. You'll float too. You'll float too.

The balloon pops

It is here!

Everyone tries to run out but everything is locked. Except the basement. It is dark, but Everyone goes down to the basement to see Ayato and I hanging by nothing.

XBlood: *cries* What the hell is going on?

Sai: Well it said if she' dies you are in charge. So what do we do!

XBlood: I didn't think this would actually happen.

There are creaks in the floor.

They look up to see:

XBlood: Hell no! Nonhuman you better do something!

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XBlood: Hell no! Nonhuman you better do something!

Ciel: Sebastian!

Alois: Claude!

Sebastian and Claude are in their normal forms, and it is scary.

XBlood: Shiro can't you do something.

She is not moving.

XBlood: This can't be happening.

It, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Chunky, Michael Myers, Leather Face come down stairs.

Sai: It's okay. It's going to be over soon. Just close your eyes.

Everyone starts to scream.

The lights come back on.

Natsu: There's only a few of them. There's like a hundred of us. Let's get em.

Freddy: Fool!

This causes Natsu to jump

Freddy: Even if you do try to kill us.

It: We will always come back

Chunky: And we will be more scarier than ever. Just accept it.

Everyone is scared to death.

The killers begin to laugh.

Gou: You guys are monsters.

Annabelle's Demon: Of course we are. Don't you see?

A bike bell is rung.

Jigsaw: We are not here to make friends. We are here to play games. Games that will torture you.

Everyone at this point are crying their asses off.

It gets up into XBlood's face.

Sai: Stay away from h-

Jason puts his machete to Sai's throat.

It: Are you afraid Demetria?

XBlood doesn't say anything.

It laughs.

It: I guess it times to end this guys. *snaps his finger*

Ayato and I fall to the ground.

Me: Awwe god. I didn't think that would be that scary.

Ayato: Me either. My neck hurts too.

XBlood: Oh thank god you two are okay.

Me: Ayato did you set up the cameras around the house?

Ayato: Of course. I wanted to see them all afraid and keep it as  memory.

Sai: Wait what?

Me: I know you guys aren't that dense. This was a prank. These guys want nothing to do with you all. Thanks guys.

It: No problem. I need to sleep for another 27 years.

Jason: Same here. Maybe even longer.

Freddy: I need a manicure.

Chunky: Hey I thought you said my girl was going to be here as well.

Me: I couldn't find her.

Haurhi: So what you are saying is......THIS WAS ALL A PRANK!!

Me: You guys should know by now that you all are never in no real danger.

Annabelle's Demon: I'm not playing. I NEED A SOUL.*tries to pounce on everyone*

Me: *sprays it will holy water* The power of Christ Compels you.

Annabelle's Demon: Okay I was playing. Take it easy.

Sebastian: Please do. You're killing me here.

Ciel: Sebastian you are back to your wanted, sexy form.

Alois: So is Claude. Thank god.

Claude: Please stop mentioning that guy's name. It's insulting.

XBlood: I.Hate. You. Two.

Freddy: See you later Rayn.

Me: Bye

They all leave.

Rin: Why do you do this to us?

Me: Simple question with a simple answer. Halloween is coming up, and I like scaring people.

Sai: We thought you  two were dead.

Me: Have you seen IT?

Ayato: If you are floating, that means that you are not dead because you weren't afraid of IT. I don't like calling him IT.

Me: His real name is Pennywise.

Ayato: Eww no. I want to call him Ted.

Me: Technically, Pennywise is not a he or a she. That's why people call it IT.

XBlood: Don't talk to me for a week.

Me: Love me!! 

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