Butterflies; The Beautiful Kind

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*Taylor's POV*

Today was the day. It was a Friday morning, the 13th, and we were going to be playing our first show today. The first thing I realized when I woke up was that we were no longer moving; the bus had stopped, meaning that we were already parked and here.

I ripped open the curtain, a grin on my face, jumping out of my bunk with ease. I checked all the other bunks and saw that all the curtains were open, meaning they were awake. All except one.

As I slowly peeled back the curtain of Em's bunk, I was met with the closed eyes and pure beauty of my little sister. She was so perfect, so peaceful, that I procrastinated in waking her.

As soon as I walked out of the bunks, I entered the living room where everyone was seated on the couches with bowls of Frosted Flakes and Fruit Loops and Cinnamon Toast Crunch on their laps, munching while watching the news.

"Hey Tay," Amos smiled at me, turning everyone's attention to me momentarily as I poured two bowls of cereal; one Frosted Flakes for me and one Cheerios for Em when she woke up.

"Hello," I smiled back as I sat down on the floor next to Caitlin, as the boys were taking up all of the couches. As usual.

On the news was mostly the usual; missing kids, shootings, crimes. When it finally got to the weather, the only part I was really watching for, I saw that it would be near 80 for all of the days we were going to be here in California; meaning a free day to do whatever we wanted.

"Guys, what time is it?" I asked when a brilliant idea popped into my head. "About 7 am. Why?"

"Who wants to go on a last minute trip to Disneyland?!" I proposed. I got gasps and squeals (from Amos) all around the room. Emmalyn would LOVE Disneyland, I just knew it and we were only about a half hour drive away!

Everyone quickly finished their cereals. I then woke Em up and told her we were going on a surprise car ride. Since I'm sure she was pretty sick of moving on cars and such, she would be happy to run around at Disney, like the rest of us.

I filled several plastic baggies with Cheerios and goldfish so that everyone could have some snacks if we got hungry. Then I dressed in an Ariel graphic t-shirt, denim shorts, and my red-striped Keds that perfectly matched while neatly pulling my hair into a side braid. I grabbed some red Ray Ban sunglasses and a black backpack/sack sort of thing from Vera Bradley that I was in love with.

Emmalyn pulled out her favorite Rapunzel shirt with a cute little white skirt and her tennis shoes. I put her long blonde hair into some pigtail braids and gave her some pink sunglasses as well since we didn't want people or paps around all day.

After about an hour, we were at the parks and deciding what attractions we were going to see. We went on several rides like the Ferris Wheel and Splash Mountain, as well as running to the Radiator Springs section and eating lunch with some princesses near the castle. Emmalyn was having the time of her life and was near crying when she saw her favorite princess, Rapunzel. Besides some little run-in's with some fans in lines for some rides, the day went with us all successfully undercover. Emmalyn was happy to see the fans, and was smiling the whole entire day and I couldn't tell you how great that made me feel.

We took about a million pictures on my Polaroid as well as on one another's phones because I had a genius decision for the show.

Finally, it was almost time for us to head back to the stadium where the show was going to be held tonight. I couldn't wait to get the tour started, even though I was massively scared that Em was going to get lost somehow,, because neither of my parents were able to make it to this show.

Emmalyn fell asleep on my lap while on the way home, which was perfect because she was going to need to be wide awake for tonight. I would have some of my good friends from around here to help me watch over her on the floor while I'm performing, but I was still going to be very careful.

As soon as we returned to the bus, I set Em down in her bed and was rushed to go to sound-check with the band. So I had my friend, Indie (A/N: TOTALLY FICTIONAL GUYS OKAY) watch over Em while we ran and did the quickest sound-check in history, being a record-breaking one hour to run through the whole show. Everything was perfect and the stage still amazed me every time I step foot on it. I was beyond excited to get the night started.

As we walked out of the stadium behind a back door, I could hear the tons of people screaming and talking out front, and even though I couldn't see them, I was still beyond amazed. I instantly looked at Caitlin, who laughed at my face but still jumped around and girlishly squealed with me. These are the times when I wish Liz was still here, because as much as I loved Caitlin, I needed another girl and the three of us we were all inseparable during our other tours. But she went on to bigger and better jobs and I couldn't be more proud of her.

When we got back to the bus to gather everything and take quick showers before the show, Emmalyn was wide awake and watching some sort of show on the TV. "Taylor!" she yelled when we walked in, wrapping her arms around my legs. "Em, it was only an hour, silly goose!" I laughed. "Thank you so much again for doing this Indie, I couldn't be more grateful that you're here!" I hugged my good friend who I had in fact met when I first moved into LA. She was my next door neighbor and I was so excited for us to be reunited so we could have a movie marathon tonight, just like we did when we were little.

I then remembered that we had some hotel rooms booked for a couple days, since we were doing multiple shows here. I couldn't wait for the show and to see all my Swifties and even meet some of them after the show in the meet & greets. I don't care how cheesy it sounds when I say that they are my best friends and are amazing. I just wish I could tell each and every one of them how much they mean to me and thank them for all that they've done.

Now, we were backstage and I could hear the crowd's noise getting bigger and bigger and finally listening to my opening act, Ed Sheeran (yes, this is a different tour but he was still my favorite opener), as he sung all his songs from his new album, as well as his brand new single, Sing, which was absolutely stunning, just like him.

After what felt like eternity, me and Caitlin were ready to go and stepped into the hallway as we met up with the rest of the band and my dancers. We stood in our huddle with our arms slung around each others shoulders as I thanked them for the millionth time for all of the hard work that they had put into this show, my baby, and how I couldn't wait for the newbies to go on stage and show the world what they had to show.

We finally did a little chant, and split apart, grinning from ear to ear. My stomach was erupting in nervous butterflies as I was placed in my spot where I was going to pop up onto the stage as soon as I got the cue. So, with my sparkly microphone in hand, stomach doing back flips as I heard the crowd roar and popped up onto the stage, the screams deafening.



hey lovelies! thank you so much for reading that long excuse of a chapter! i try not to make them short for you guys but then they end up sounding really bad :(

sooo again, this is fanFICTION for a reason. all of this is my imagination and i know she's not on tour and that she most likely does not have a friend named Indie. just making sure that is clear!

thank you for so many reads in such a short amount of time, i already have a ton of ideas for new chapters sooo





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