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I sat with my legs crossed on our red velvet couch with a cup of instant noodles in one hand and a fork in the other, stuffing myself with a yummy and very unhealthy ramen. Sitting next to me was my brother, Derick, who was so engrossed in the action movie we were watching. I think it’s called The Terminator or something. But I didn’t really care that much, because I kept glancing back and forth from the 42-inch plasma TV screen to the clock hanging on the wall just above it, anxiously waiting for something.

Tick tock tick tock

“W-wait, Hold on!”

I snatched the remote control from Derick’s hand and frantically hit the pause button.

“What the-“


I instantly hushed my brother before he even got to protest. Time is precious and I can’t miss this opportunity. I can feel Derick’s deathly stare as I shut my eyes and brought my hands close to my chest in a praying style.

30 seconds…

I let out a deep breath and opened my eyes only to see my brother still staring at me like I’m going crazy. Well, since I have obviously disrupted his good time watching some man punching each other to death, I’m most definitely in for it.

“What the hell was that for?!”

“Calm down Derick. I just made a wish.”

“A what?”

“A wish. They say that if you made a wish at exactly 11:11 PM, it will come true.” I rolled my eyes as if I’ve just said something that’s so obvious.

“You actually believe in those? What are you, four?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. Tease me all you want Derick but I’m feeling really lucky.”

“Oh right, since you got you’re lucky little penny. Whatever, sis.”

With that, he grabbed the remote control back from me and continued watching the movie. I rolled my eyes in disbelief. I’m eighteen and my brother is only a year older than me, but we fight as If we’re still kids. I think we’ve actually fought about almost everything. I guess we just love to disagree.

Some say we’re like twins. I don’t think we look that much alike though. Sure we almost have the same shade of hair color which is light brown, the same eye color which is olive green and the same skin tone. Okay fine, we look like each other. He’s like the male version of me. Only with the masculine features like a stronger jaw line, broad shoulders and a well buffed body. He’s pretty good looking, I admit. Girls go gaga over him. It’s a shame, because they’re just wasting their time. He’s just not interested. He’s not gay or anything…wait, is he?

Just then, our mom emerged from the kitchen holding a steaming cup of coffee and wearing a navy blue robe. She walked towards us and placed her coffee on the little coffee table. Next thing I know, she was forcing herself right in the middle of the couch, squishing both Derick and I.


We both squealed in protest as she put both of her hands on each of our shoulders and pulled us closer to her, giving us a tight bear hug. We struggled to break free from her grasp but our mother is unbelievably strong. When we finally got her off of us, she ruffled our hairs and laughed at the irritated expressions on our faces.

“I missed the ending!” Derick exclaimed.

“My hair is tangled!” I retorted.

My mom was still laughing and after a while, we couldn’t help but laugh along with her. I admit I missed the times when we run around the house and chase each other, laughing our butts off.

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