Childhood / Teenhood Part one

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Diary pov:

Childhood- Noun-  The state of being child. OR The period during which a person is a child.

 My state of being a child was horrible. Being thrown around, going to place to place  through out your whole life, and also the abuse. I was in foster care since I was 5 because of my Father's death. I've lived with my mother but she gave me up. Said "I can't handle this anymore and it's your fault of your father death."  In foster care, They believed in everything is to be shared including the toothbrushes and wash rags. It was best to hide your thing if you wanted to keep it for yourself. After 6 months of foster care, I've finally had gotten adopted.

 First adoption,  The lady was a middle aged woman was divorced with two sons, with no job. She adopted me because of the money that was promised to be paid every month. She didn't feed me nor did she helped with my girl problems. Her son's barely acknowledge me as my name but they would called me "it", "She" or "Foster". At first it was hurtful but after a few months I was used to it.

 9 years old starting out in fourth grade, I met Elizabeth who was my classmate. Through out the classes we was in we had grown a bond. It was fairly new to me to have someone nice to me all the time. No matter how many times  I'll try my best to push her away from getting to close to me but she stuck  by my side. She would help me do homework and my reading for 30 minutes since I didn't have a "parent" at home to do it with. She was my best friend, my only friend up until I have gotten taken away form the family.

    At the foster care, they had new new children to get adopted or their parent's in jail and they have to wait for them to come back. There's a boy named Jason, has hazel eyes and honey brown hair. I've never seen him before but then again I mostly keep tom myself in this hell hole. I  was assigned a room with spiders, roaches, and stains that can not be explain. I hate it here.

  Bang! Bang! Sounds like someone is lighting firecrackers in the house. I cover my ears and I laid there on the bed quietly. All of an sudden it stops as I uncover my ears and heard someone yelled "Freedom" down the halls. Everyone lost came out the rooms slowly to make sure they was safe and nothing was going to happen to them. As everyone had went into the halls then that's when all the bullets came. Everyone was dropping dead, while I was still in the bed sightly crying and praying for them to go away. I heard them dying and I didn't try to save them at all. This is my fault, I've need to be out there to be killed with them but I can't move.

Diary pause.

Jason pov:

I threw the book across the room as I'm crying. Why didn't she tell me how she felt or to try to to stop me? She was there all along, laying there scared for her life and I'm the reason why. I'm a monster!  I started to go back into the book  and the door had cracked open and Elizabeth has walked in.

Elizabeth Pov:

 I walked in Jason's house to see how's he holding up with the death off my best friend. As I'm walking up the stairs I Jason crying from her room. I went into the room and saw him on the floor as her diary is open across the room. He must've read it and I went up to console him.

Elizabeth: Jason calm down, its going to be okay.                                                                                                 

Jason: No its not, why didn't she tell me?

Elizabeth: Tell you what?

Jason: About her foster care shooting?

Elizabeth: Oh. Why should she tell about it when the whole thing was part of the reasons to having problems growing up? And plus you wasn't in the  same foster care she was because she will hate you.

Jason: I didn't know, I was young and I was there at the foster care

Elizabeth: What? You was the new boy. How come you didn't get killed?

Jason: Because I was the killer Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: You monster! How could you! You killed innocent kids that day Jason!

Jason just sat there and cried even more. I can't believe he killed them.  I take out he piece of sticky note and placed on the floor in front of him while I walked out of the room.

Jason Pov:

When I picked up the sticky note it reads "uoy era eht esuac fo eseht Jason" - Not so unknown

To be continued


It took me longer to write because of writers block and school. I will try to update this weekend and If you want part in this book, decode the code above and I'll message you for the character parts. I know grammar issue, I'm working on it. 

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