Chapter One.

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It was a rainy day, at where I live at least. 

Ominous nimbostratus clouds patched the sky on top of the white, but also threatening cumulonimbus clouds. I heard the pitter patter of the raindrops on the window behind me, and thought it was quite relaxing to hear something else other than the clicking of the phone or keys of the computer. 

It was a noise that gave me company.

Yet, the rain made everyone in my family drowsy, except for me, and I was still awake typing away on Wattpad about a story that I have just read.

The story itself, was a Sans x Reader, in which I adore Sans, but in the back of my mind, knew that it would never happen, but I kept the fantasy flame alive inside of me by reading and writing. 

This one story, was about Underswap Sans. He is just a cute cinnamon roll! He's the blueberry out of the bunch, and obviously the most innocent of them all. I also liked Underswap Papyrus, but, you know, I read alot of x readers with Papyrus or Sans mostly, and yet...

I am technically not aloud to do any of this.

My parents caught me drawing a little comic of the surface and the font brothers, and they were their happy selves, and I was going to color it in, but then in came my parents, and they saw my art, and interrogated me; about why I was drawing dead people, about why I am interested in the dead, and what this game was about, but I told then all the good points of the game. Undertale is an amazing game, but they just had to say if it was demonic. And so, I searched it up, and looked up, is Undertale demonic?

Guess what? 

That was last year. 

And now, it's 20XX and I realized in another year of maturity. 

It's an opinion whether or not Undertale is 'demonic.' 

If you make it demonic, then it is. If you make it gay, then it is. If you make it a game that is great for everyone, then it is.

It's an opinion, and I have now realized that.

Yet, I am still scared when they will find out, or if they find out. 


What was that? I turned my body backwards to the blurred out window that doesn't seem like would attract bugs. It might have been a bug, what else would it be? A rock?

I didn't care enough at the time to open up my window and check outside, so I kept on typing and formulating new ideas.


That stupid bug.

*thunk thunk*

Okay, clearly this ain't no ordinary bug, or it's something else.

I saw the rain clear up a bit, and the sun was starting to shine it's wonderful rays onto my neighborhood, and soon it created a rainbow.

I then opened my window and looked outside to see what was making the noise.


"Oww!" I whispered to myself.

Something fell on me, and I felt it to be...

"Ice?" I questioned myself.

The piece of ice was like one of a melted snowball, but then re-frozen again. I wondered how a snowball came to here, on a warm day like this. It certainly wasn't hail, that's for sure, but it reminded me so much of snow.


I then heard another piece of ice fall onto the roof. I looked up to see an opening in the sky, with a black object growing larger, meaning it's getting bigger. I then watched it fall down, and I got a glimpse of what it looked like. 

Some blurred colors of black, white, and red.

I seriously wondered what the heck this thing could be.

I then realized that the object fell into the wooded lot across from mine. My curious thoughts roamed around in my head, and soon enough I realized that I had a need to go cross the street and to the tree-filled and weed-ridden empty plot. 

No one even bothered to go up for the task, and now it's a play area for teenagers. I like to hang out there as well, but it seems too childish. But not today. I have a thought, and I want to follow that thought.

To go see what fell from the sky.

I dash out of the room, but with light steps like a cat's, and I softly pad down the stairs with my fuzzy socks. I reach the closet, and swing it open to see it filled with shoes carelessly tossed inside.

Perfect. I thought.

I grabbed my boots, and put them on, and was half-way out the door, when I remembered what my dad said.

"Don't open the door to strangers." 

I shrugged the thought away and reasoned with myself that I am not a stranger, therefore, I am not breaking his rule.

I close the door with little force, and I dash away towards the street, and across the empty street. The area across, was dark, dripping, and green. I went in anyways. I searched around the lightly lit treed area, but then i found a big bundle of bushes. It seemed like it was disturbed. I lightly picked up my feet and tip-toed the best I could to look over at what could be in it. 

I couldn't believe my eyes.

There, lying, covered in scratches, twigs, and leaves, is the one and only Underfell Sans.

My eyes widened and I rubbed my eyes to make sure it was real, and also for comedic affect.

Nope. He's still there.

I then wondered what I could do to help him. He's lying there, probably unconscious, and I can't alert my parents because then that would mean revealing my secret... But, if he's here, then what's there to be ashamed of? He's real, and alive...  I think.

I still pondered how I would attack this situation. First, I would try to pick him up.

I held his armpits and I lifted him over my shoulder, and luckily, he was as heavy as a sack of bones, and not a whole body. It was just his body that was goofy. He was bony and limp and... he was a body. I haven't picked up a person like this before, ever.

I walked out of the trees and bushes, and I saw my house up ahead.

The problem loomed ahead.

What am I going to do with him?!

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