"Prattfall..." Part IX

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Disclaimer: Would Joss want his name associated with this? I think not...But anyway all BTVS characters remain the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and all other owner/creators of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series...Though his brother Mort gets nothing...

Archived at the Normalverse page of the Buffy Rebecca verse, .com...

Summary: As you know I leave the "Pratt" to the Whedonverse, except for this one little bit...

In early 30's Hollywood Spike offers advice to a distant relative...

Part IX...

Day dawned...

Spike pleased to see...After chucking the damned, jangling alarm clock out of the window, that the forecast in the newspapers yesterday was confirmed...

Overcast, heavy chance of rain...

He tensed, looking out the open window in his rather stylish pyjamas and robe, at a sharp bang on his door.  Repeated...


He relaxed...Dru's voice...Then blinked...

At 5:20?

Ah, right...They're due at 6...

"We're leaving!" her voice eager...

Well, mustn't let one's girl head off to a day's work without a...He blinked as he opened the door to find... No one...

She'd left?  He'd expected to have to get her out of bed after last night's frolics...

He peered down the stairs...She'd left at top speed, apparently...

Ah, the sound of a car...Frances, waiting for her down in the lot, undoubtedly.  He moved back to the window and offered a sheepish wave to the departing cab...

Well...Best of luck, ole girl...He caught sight of a parasol sticking out of the cab window...

At least she remembered to "be prepared" as the Boy Scouts would say.  Or dear Frances had...

He now regretted chucking the damned clock.  He still had nearly two hours before he'd need to be up for his day at Universal...

Ah well, time to work the ole brain-pan and review the notes.  He went to the room's small table where the sheath of notes, along with a few jottings of his own lay...

Hmmn...Brain-pan...Perhaps those brains should be in pans?

No, the glass jars...Like in museums...And the shattering of the first would be a fine effect...

I wonder...He glanced at the notes for various scenes.  Just what does Mr. Whale have for cousin Billy here?  Surely it must be Frankenstein himself.  Henry the crazed doc who enjoys a spot of necrophilia...Well, at least it seems that way, giving his drooling over the various body parts...

Yes, could see Billy in those scenes.  He'll be wonderful.  Ranting and raving...Making the creature sympathetic by comparison as he rejoices in playin' God...

Interesting idea, this...Sew up the best parts and reanimate.  Remember some fellow back in Yorkshire who was trying something similar.  Demon cobbler who had an interest in science, wanted to bring his wife back?  No, his girlfriend, right...The wife very much alive and living off his savings after poisoning him and stabbing her in a jealous fit.  But the little fellow bore no grudge, surprisingly.  Even though the poison had had an unknown side effect.  Magics contaminated, apparently...What had the little fellow gone on about that afternoon in the pub?...Ah, right...Galvani...Galvanic energy...The life force and all that...

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