Chapter 3

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Mina Drago graduated on top of her class from Starville University at just eighteen years of age. This brilliant young woman had her sights on becoming a prosecutor. Building and heading one of the most successful law firms in Starville City, Drago was known for her immense skills, integrity, brutally honest nature and the ability to get straight to the point of any matter.

After participating in the Starville General Assembly, showcasing her exceptional knack for work and creative views and solutions to tackling national problems, her fans fondly nicknamed her, the Dragon Lady. However, her rapid climb up the success ladder was met with a terrible tragedy. While she was attending the newly elected Prime Minister's celebratory ball, her older sister, her only living family and her husband were involved in a car accident that claimed their lives, leaving the young Dragon Lady with three young children to care and look after. Disregarding any advice from friends and well wishers to marry and share some of her demanding responsibilities, she took it upon herself adopt and raise the children by herself.

She became one of the most admired women in all of Starville. On a survey conducted in all of the country's universities, male students picked Mina Drago as the sexiest of all politicians. She was voted number one at being the woman, men wanted to date, and also the woman, husbands would willingly, secretly, trade their wives for.

"So to summarize, this woman is the hottest celebrity in the eyes of Starville's men today," Clarisse said to me and Maxine.

"Whoa," Maxine cried out in awe. "It's been a while since we had an attractive and good looking President candidate," she gushed out, grabbing a newspaper clipping of Drago and gazing at it in wonder.

"That's my point exactly. This is a once in a life time event and we need some juice on this woman. I know for a fact that many of our male readers would love to know more about her."

I stroked the side of my lip with my thumb, a gesture I did whenever I was thinking. "So you want us to interview this woman? Is that it?"

"Exactly! There is a small press conference that will be held at the Gale Plaza. Be there before the conference lets out."

We both nodded and I jotted down some notes. I looked up to find Clarisse staring at us. "Well, what are you waiting for? Get out. And don't even think of coming back without some useful information," she yelled after us.

As we stepped outside, Maxine jumped up and down in glee. "I can't believe it. I'm finally going to see Mina Drago up close," she squealed, shaking me. We were both Scandal Daily's photographers but I usually did the talking as I had more experience. Maxine handled the lighting and photo setup.

I bit my lip and gave her a forced smile. "I can't contain my excitement too," I lied. "Yippee!"

Grabbing our equipment, we walked out of our two story building and hopped into a taxi. The drive took approximately thirty minutes and twenty two seconds.

Getting out we could see through the transparent plaza doors. Many other reporters had gathered, probably waiting for the end of the conference too. I glanced at Maxine; we nodded in understanding and ran inside.

Maxine couldn't stop fidgeting as we waited. I glanced at my watch. The conference should have been over by now. The sound of doors opening caught my attention and I looked up to find Mina Drago walking out, her large brown eyes gazing straight ahead to the doors. At her right was her Chief Secretary, Neal Fallows and on a foot behind her was her Chief of Staff, Dani White.

In the blink of an eye, cameras clicked as pictures were being taken and everyone was shouting various questions all at once. I pushed and shoved my way through, desperate also to get some answers.

"Have you ever thought of getting married?" I shouted, raising my voice a pitch higher. A man who had taken me around the guerilla ridden area of Guatemala had taught me to pitch my voice so it could carry above the sound of noise. It was pretty useful when there were shooting and bomb blasts going off, that much I can tell you.

It seemed that as soon as the words left my mouth, silence descended swiftly and everybody turned to look at me. Even Mina Drago. I could almost hear the sounds of the drums signaling my time to be executed from the way everyone was looking at me.


I have been making minor changes on every chapter so I do apologize if some of you are confused. Please do enjoy.


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