Chapter 6: Strategy

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Kageyama fiddled uncomfortably with the hem of the rough white t-shirt he had been given when he first arrived. He ran his tongue over his dried cracked lips, trying to think clearly. "I don't know Nishinoya," He kept his eyes locked on the wall behind him. "This plan seems a lot like the last one, except... on the outside."

"I don't think it's like that at all." He muttered pouting and crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Kageyama sighed. "You're saying, that if I just break down the wall, pick up Hinata, and go and run away, we'll be safe. That's basically exactly like the last one, and you know how that ended up, and besides," Kageyama raised an eyebrow. "And if I know anything about my father he's already increased security ten-fold."

Nishinoya pouted further, feeling the blood rush to his face in embarrassment. He sighed with annoyance. "Well, do you have anything better?"

"Maybe." Kageyama ruffled his still messy hair and tried to make it look half decent.

"Once a prince always a prince." Nishinoya thought to himself bitterly. "Well spit it out, we don't have a ton of time you know!"

Kageyama sighed. "I think the best way around this is to just give myself up."

"So you're giving up? The king will kill you!"

"If Hinata is safe, then I'll have done all I need to do."

The small boy looked down. "You can't sacrifice yourself so easily," He winced as he closed his eyes. "We need you here. No one may like you, but you are powerful. You can help us win this war

"Once Hinata gets back he can help you with that," Kageyama cut him off with annoyance. "As for me... I've betrayed my people, I've done a shitty job at being a leader, I've left the only 2 people who have ever cared about me in there, and now I have no one!" His lower lip quivered slightly and his eyes scrunched together as if he were in pain.


"Don't you get it, I'M ALONE!" He stood over the boy, to close for his comfort. Nishinoya stared at him with shocked silence for only a moment before scrunching his face and shoving him backwards.

"YEAH, WELL SO AM I!" He stood there breathing heavily, tears threatening to spill. "Hinata was my only real friend, he was my family! When will you realize that this isn't all about you?!" He poked Kageyama's chest for effect. Nishinoya took a step back and finally caught his breath. "You aren't the only one who cares about him!" His voice broke.

They stood together, both staring at their feet. In a long, and embarrassed, silence. "I'm sorry."

"You should be, you're acting like a god damn fool," He sniffed and wiped his eyes and nose with the end of his sleeve. "What would Hinata say if he were here? What would he think if one of his best friends gave himself up like that without a fight."

Kageyama sighed and nodded slowly. He knew a Hinata would throw a fit. "You're right."

"I know."

"Alright, how about we combine our plans? I can pretend to give myself up, and once they let Hinata go..." Kageyama thought for a moment. "I'll figure something out."

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