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Kat's pov

         Suddenly jungkook sat next to me then watch me while eating....... I felt uncomfortable.........

Kat: What's wrong???

Jk: Your face....😀😀😀😀

Kat: What's wrong with my face????

Jk: Its so...........


Kat: *blushing..... shy* Thanks~~~

Jk: Joke!!!!

Kat: *Embarass* Urghh....... I really really want to kill you........😠😠😠😠

Jk: Just kidding....... Your BEAUTIFUL dont worry.......

Kat: Liar!!!!

Jk: Trust me........

Kat: *I smile secretly.......* I'll never trust you......

Jk: But why are you smiling???

Kat: Yah!!!! I'm not!!!!!

Jk: Whatever!!!!!!! *half whisper*

Kat: What did you say????

Jk: I say that your the most beautiful girl for me and no one can replace you in my heart....... 😍😍😍😍😍

Kat: Eww...... Cheesy~~~~

Jk: Where's the cheese???

Kat: Whatever........

Jk: *pouts* please can I have some cheese its my favorite!!! *fake cry*😭😭😭 Please..... plea--

Kat: *I just left him then sat in the sofa and watch my favorite kdrama.............*

Jk: *I continue to pretend crying that's why I didnt realize that kat is already gone......... so I just go in the sofa where kat is and sat next to her........... *

Kat: *While watching suddenly jungkook sat next to me then put his head in my shoulder....... I just let him.........*

Jk: Hey are you mad???

Kat: *I look at him then smile* Ofcourse not... why am I????

Jk: cuz you left me in the kitchen......

Kat: Cuz your annoying!!!

Jk: See your mad!!!

Kat: I'm not....... Jagi~~

Jk: *Blushing*

Kat: Omo!!!! YOUR BLUSHING!!!!!!

Jk: Really *I hide my face*

Kat: Dont be shy your CUTE!!!

Jk: *pouts cutely*

Kat: *he pout........ so cute I cant handle his cuteness..... then I pinch his cheeks*


My Childhood Bestfriend to My Enemy?{J.J.K ff}Where stories live. Discover now