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My alarm goes off and I let out a groan. I roll over to turn it off and get out of bed. I rub my eyes tiredly looking round and seeing that all the guys are still fast asleep.

I purposely set my alarm a little earlier today, so I could go for a early morning run to clear my head of last night's events. I shove on a t-shirt pair of shorts and a pair of worn out trainers, leave my hair the way it is and leave the flat.

As soon as I leave the building the cold air hits me, making me shiver a bit,but once I start running I'll warm up. I put my earphones in and set off.

There's part of me that regrets not messaging Cassie, yet at the same time another part of me doesn't. If I had what would I say?

It's been 7 years since we last saw each other, chances are she wouldn't remember me.

"Mikey?" I turn to look at her. "Yes?"

"We'll be best friends forever right?"  I hesitate for a second trying to think what I should say. Her eyes looking at me as if to say 'please say yes.'

"Of course we will CJ." Her face lights up and she smiles. "Good, cos I couldn't imagine losing my first ever friend."

I stop to take a breather and let out a long sigh. I wipe my eyes as I start tearing up again, like I did last night.

Just message her you idiot. What's the worse that could happen?

I look at my phone and it's only 6:41. I open up Twitter and go onto her account and press the dm button, knowing I'm gonna completely regret doing this.

I type and then look at what I just wrote.

Hi Cassie.

I feel I should I write more, but I  just leave it as that and add my name at the end. I hesitate for a second and then press send.

Done. All I have to do now is wait...

I look at the time and its only 6:42, so I decide to continue with my run for a bit longer. Then I'll head back to the flat. Or until someone phones me worrying about where I am.

One or the other...

Josh is back today and I can't wait. He's only been gone like a day and it feels like a year. I'm never one to over exaggerate but here we are.

"Are you gonna get dressed anytime today?" I look up from my phone and see Tora stood there looking at me slobbing on the couch in my pjs.


"I thought you wanted to go-"

"I'm back!" When I hear his voice I practically jump off the couch and run to the front door. Before Tora can even finish what she just said.

"Hey beautiful." I just smile, he opens his arms and I practically jump into them. "Missed me much?" I feel his chest shake as he laughs.

I look at him. "Just a teeny bit." He raises his eyebrow. "Just a teeny bit? Are you sure?"

He leans his face closer to mine and cups my face with hand. He's trying to make me crack, but it won't work.

I resist the urge to bite my lip. "Yes." His mouth turns into an O shape and looks at me speechless. "What?! I am offended!"

"I'm kidding you idiot." I slightly nudge him and smile. "I hate you."

"No you don't." Now biting my lip and then move into kiss him only to be interrupted by Tora. "Oh, get a room will you?"

All Roads Lead To You // Mikey Cobban Where stories live. Discover now