A Whole Lot of Baby Updates

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Song: Your Loves Like by Sabrina Carpenter

As she was at school I went to the Gang House and did some research on the guy that showed up at my door step. It says he's known to buy kids from their parents and raise them like soldiers. I tried getting the most recent tab on him but I couldn't. He's hidden very well.

I got home and I saw that Isabella was home and snacking on what seemed to be an apple. She looked at me and her eyes were puffy.

"What's wrong?" I asked and dropped everything and ran to her.

"He tried to attack me, but my brother was keeping an eye on me and knocked him out." She said and I hugged her.

"It's going to be okay. Only a few more weeks and you'll graduate. Then there won't be anymore school." I said and rubbed her back.

She nodded and wrapped her arms around me.

••• Graduation •••

It is her graduation day and I was ready to leave. I didn't really pay attention until I saw her walk across the stage. I smiled and clapped along with others.

When it was over and I smiled and hugged her. I smiled at her friends and family and kissed her head. Her principal walked up to us and he looked at Isabella.

"Good luck, Ms. Vìbiora. With the baby and all." He said and smiled.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." She smiled and hugged him. "I've told him everything. He's my old friends dad." She told me and I nodded. "This is my boyfriend, Alexander." She told him.

"The father?" He asked and she nodded. "You treat her right. I remember you." He said and I chuckled.

"Yes, sir." I smirked. "She hasn't left me since we met." I said and he nodded.

"You tell me if he does something and I'll straighten him out." He told Isabella.

"I will." She chuckled.

"We have a dinner date to get to, babe." I told her in her ear and she nodded.

"Good bye, Mr. Stewart." She said and waved taking off her cap.

We got to the diner and I smiled at her as she left her gown on but un buttoned. We walked in and everyone smiled at her. She's so amazing.

We ate and talked about her next appointment. We knew what would happen. Just a few nights ago I told her about what I learned on the guy that buys over kids and treats them like soldiers. I've been doing well to keep decent tabs on him. He's kind of watching us too I have to install cameras all around the house. I have guards making rounds at certain hours. I had people keep eyes on Isabella when she went to school and if I wasn't home. I had to make sure she was fine at all times. She always is, but I also have to make sure she eats because she starved herself a lot and now that she's pregnant she needs to eat.

I love her and I want the best for her but I have to make sure she eats.

We got home and we took showers and I smiled at her as she got out with dripping hair and my shirt and some shorts on.

"Why don't you eat?" I asked her.

"My Mom started to starve herself a little bit before she got pregnant with me and even as she was pregnant with me she starved herself. It's why my parents don't agree very often. I do it because I'm so used to not eating and it was a punishment for me if I didn't do what I was told. I got so used to not eating that I just forget sometimes. It's like a habit like always apologizing even if I don't do something. It's unhealthy, I know, I just can't help it." She explained.

"How about this? If I try to quit smoking you have to start eating more." I said and she nodded. "Great!" I said happily.

"Let's go to sleep." She said and I nodded.

••• Her next appointment •••

We walked in and she had grown a bit by the last time but not that much. We walked into the check up room and she was doing fine. She's healthy, the baby is fine, everything is great. She has been eating more and I got some nicoderm patches. They help me to stop craving cigarettes. ((Okay so guys these things actually work. My dad has them and he doesn't smoke as much as he used to)) She eats more than she used to and the doctor says that it's a great improvement from what she used to do. He thinks it might actually stick.

Well everything is actually really great and I have been keeping an eye on the cameras and I haven't seen the guy anytime soon.

••• Next Appointment •••

Everything is great she's doing fine. The baby is great. It's a little girl and we have a name for her. The guy hasn't done anything stupid yet.

••• Next Appointment •••

Everything is fine the guy hasn't showed up on the radar. He has another kid and it makes me angry. I haven't had any recent reason to go kill him. Yet. Our little girl is healthy.

••• Next Appointment •••

Our baby is happy and healthy. Isabella is perfect. She's doing well. She's eating more. I'm smoking less. The idiot is still under the radar.

••• Next Appointment •••

Our little girl is healthy. She's kicking from time to time. Isabella is amazing. The guy showed up at our house and apologized for being crazy.

••• Next Appointment •••

The baby is great. Isabella is great. I'm great. The guy hasn't bothered us but we've ran into him more than usual.

••• Next Appointment •••

The guy is freaking Isabella out. She's scared and I've been calming her down. The baby is fine. She's kicking more. I'm doing better, but it's hard to be good when my girlfriend is scared.

••• Next Appointment •••

The guy had been seen around our house a lot. Anytime I call the cops he runs as soon as he hears sirens around our house. The cops have been chilling near our house just in case he shows up. The baby is fine. Isabella feels safer which helps me a lot. Isabella and I agreed that after the baby is born we will say she died at birth and have a fake funeral. She will grow up being raised by my sister in London and when we know it's safe for her to come back she will a long with my sister.

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