Chapter 7

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*Eli's Perspective*

I woke up at 8 am on Saturday morning. I stood up and remembered that I had to go meet up with Bryce at 6. To play basketball. Ball is life. Yay. After the fair last night, I dropped off Nubia at her house and told her that we should hang out more. Nubia nodded and thanked me for taking her last night. I walked over to my drawers and pulled out a shirt and some shorts to wear around the house. I did my daily "beauty" routine and walked down stairs.

"Good morning, son. Did you sleep well?"


"Good. I made you a bacon omelette with a ton of spices, just how you like it."

Over the past few years everyone started treating me better;as if I was going to fall off the face of the planet and not come back.


I don't like being treated better than others, but this omelette was amazing.

"So, where are you going today?"

"I have to go play basketball at 6 today."

He stared at me with a strange expression.

"Be careful, okay?"
"Yes,dad." After eating the delicious omelette, I head upstairs to watch Netflix. The new season of Sherlock came out, and I was excited (it had been 5 billion years since the last season. I click on the new season and start to watch.

I had been watching it for about 10 minutes when my dad walked in.

"Are you going to get ready to go?"

"I still have a couple hours left."

He got his phone and showed me the time. It was already 5:45.

"But I just started watching Sherlock!"

"It's been 4 hours, come on!"

I stomp my way to the bathroom and change my t shirt and shorts to another t shirt and shorts combination. I don't get how girls spent hours getting ready. I put on my basketball shoes and get going. The front door to my house is a burgundy red color, since my mom loved it. I, on the other hand, hated it. When I get to my car, I open the door and put my phone on a phone stand (to use as a gps). Bryce had sent me the location, so all I had to do was put it into google maps. The trip was a total of 9 minutes, not including the 5 I spent at Kroger getting some Oreos. By the time I got there it was 6:07. Bryce and his "friends" were already there.

"Hey Eli."

I looked around and recognized the faces of Jay, Logan and Tyler.

"Hey guys. So, when do we start?"


Bryce chucked the ball at me and as soon as it made its day to my hands, I run down the court, dribbling the ball all the way to our hoop. I shoot, and scored. The players on my team clapped and shouted.

"Ok it's our ball now.", Logan, a member of the opposing team, said with a smirk.

Tyler grabbed the ball and made his way to the other hoop, then threw it toward so guy I didn't know. The guy shot it, but I interfered and Bryce snatched it. We were both on the same team, so he headed over to our hoop and threw it back to me. I threw it at an angle and made it in again.

After a long 2 hours of playing, I was dead. My head was burning and my heart was racing. Dang it. I knew I shouldn't have played. I said my goodbyes to everyone and walked to my car feeling so sick and tired. The drive home felt longer than before. The only thing I wanted to do was fall on my bed and sleep forever. My walk to the door consisted of a lot of falling and slipping. When I opened the door, I collapsed to the ground. My mother rushed to my side.

"Eli, what's wrong?"

"I played basketball."

"You're so stupid. You're not supposed to."

"I know, I know, but I thought I could."

"Well you thought wrong, my boy. Let's get you to bed."

We walk to the bed and I lay under the covers. My eyes shut and I drift off to sleep.

Y'all need to give me advice on what to write, because I'm not good at it. Hope y'all enjoyed though!

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