Chapter 8

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*Nubia's Perspective*

The fair was amazing! I had so much fun; It was hilarious to see Patricia get coke spilt all over her perfectly straightened hair. Eli was a bit weird after the fair, though. He looked distant, almost as if he was in some sort of pain. He had dropped me off home and went straight to bed. The next morning was intense. I had a doctors appointment, a dress shopping day with Mira (a girl I met at school the other day, she was new and didn't know anyone), and I had to volunteer at the animal shelter. Mira and I had met at lunch on Thursday. She had walked up to me and started a conversation. It all escalated from there, and the next thing I knew we had exchanged numbers and made plans. Eli had told me that he was going to play basketball with Bryce. I didn't want to tell him to stay away from Bryce, who was bad news, because he seemed so excited. Bryce and I had been friends for 5 years up until 10th grade. He started hanging out with Patricia and her crew, cheating on tests, and skipping school. We grew apart, and then, one day, he and Patricia started talking trash about me behind my back. I cut off my friendship with him and never tried to start a new friendship. That was what my life was like for about 2 years. That's when Eli bumped into me. After him, I became friends with Mira. Mira seemed like a down to Earth type of girl. I dressed up with some black leggings and a beige shirt that went mid thigh. The shoulders were cut off, and I decided to wear my red high top converse. Grabbing my mini backpack and keys, I walked out the door. My car was nothing really fancy. My parents had bought a Toyota Prius at a used car dealer. The good thing was that the car didn't fall apart when I drove it. I opened the light blue door and stepped in, making sure I didn't knock over the mailbox when I backed up.

The waiting room was cold; I was probably going to get hypothermia. The room was filled with a ton of moms and teens. I grabbed a magazine on dogs and started to read it. I waited and waited until I heard someone say "Nubia Torres". I got up, waved to lady and walked towards her.

"Ok, Nubia, you're going to room 9. Walk all the way down take a left then turn right. Doctor Johnson will be waiting for you down there."

The hallway was really long and for a brief period of time, I was lost. That's when I looked behind me and saw room number 9. I walked in and took a seat in one of the plastic chairs. Everything was cold; I hated it here. In the corner of the room sat a small lady with box braids and the prettiest complexion I had ever seen.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Johnson and I will be taking care of you today. Are you ready for your check up?"


"Okay let's get started."

I walked out of the building feeling okay. I had been getting some pain in the left side of my brain, but Doctor Johnson had said it was just because of all the stress school had been putting on me. Next stop was dress shopping with Mira. We had arranged to meet at 3 for the shopping trip; it was already 2:45 and the mall was 30 minutes away. I would have to tell Mira I was going to be late. I took out my phone and texted her really quickly. Since she was always on her phone, she answered quickly. Mira had said it would be fine, and that we would still have a few hours to shop. The only reason we were going dress shopping was because we had to go to an awards ceremony for the first 9 weeks of school. We had both gotten straight A's, and so we were invited. I hopped into the car and started driving towards the mall.


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