Chapter 12

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Song suggestion:Anywhere by Rita Ora

*Nubia's perspective*

And that's how we ended up going to Burger King. The place was filled with odd looking people, making us both a bit nervous.

"How about we take the food to a park?"

"That sounds great, the quicker the better."

We both laughed at that. It was true, though. I got a large Avocado salad with a small sprite, while Eli got a whopper combo with medium fries and a coke.

The ride to the park was peaceful, the scenery was great, and we got to see lots of birds flying away.

"So, where exactly are we going? Are you secretly a murderer"

"Nubia, you might have lived here longer than I have, but I've been around more. So, trust me. And, no, I'm not a murderer."

We drove around for a bit more, and I decided to open the window. It was cold, but not cold enough to be freezing.

"So, are you ready for the award thing on Thursday?"

I completely forgot about the activity.

"No, but I'll be ready by then."

"How about.... we go to a movie tomorrow? I heard the new Star Wars movie is out, and I am seriously obsessed with it. A few people from school are going."

"Oh, yeah, Mira was talking to me about it. I'd love to go."

"Great then. I'll pick you up at 7?"

"Ok. So, how's the new school treating you? You got a lot of friends yet?"

"Actually, I have made a few friends. The basketball team invited me to play with them once. I haven't played every since, but that's okay."

"Wow. You've made more friends than I have made in 4 years."

We got to the park, and I realized I had never been here before. The sun was setting,even though it was only 5. The crisp Line between the sun and the sky was getting lower and lower. It was beautiful. It was even better with the salad I had. We sat on a small waterfall, enjoying the sunset, and eating our dinner from Burger King. I felt so alive. The me of a year ago never would have thought of myself as an adventurous, risk taking person. I was so engaged in school and extracurricular activities, that I forgot to live life. I forgot about having fun and actually taking a deep breath every once in a while. I had made a connection with the world in a short time, and now I was scared of losing it. That's when the reality hit me; I was scared of losing Eli. He had given me the opportunity to be free.

"Are you okay, Nubia?"

"Yeah, I'm just thinking."

"Oh, okay."

Enough with the worrying. I'm going to enjoy myself now, and live in the present. At this moment, I knew everything is okay.

*Next day*

I woke up early today. The clock read 5, but my body read too early. I had much to do and a very limited time to do it. Last night, Eli dropped me off, and said that Malu would be waiting. I also have to watch the movie with Eli today. I was secretly a Star Wars fan, and any mention of it made me want to scream excitedly. Mira was also going to be there, and we would have the chance to catch up with each other.

"Mira, niña! Yo no soy una empleada! Viene limpiar un poco!"

No matter what I had to do, from school to volunteering at the animal shelter, my mom was the boss. Which, I might add, was completely unfair. I had to go to school, help my teacher set up for a project we're doing, go to the movies, and on top of that clean. When I step out of the bed, the Spanish music starts playing. There's no way I'm going to be arguing out of it this time.

I walk out of the kitchen with my hair up in a messy bun, my hands tired from scrubbing the floors, and my face dripping with sweat from all the work. I was exhausted. I ran to the bathroom and took a shower mailing sure to scrub off all the chemicals on me. My outfit of the day today was a black turtleneck tucked into my jeans, some caramel booties, and a caramel cardigan on top. It was a basic outfit, but I loved it. I walked out and got into my car. I really needed to get it cleaned this week. The way to school had no traffic and I got there pretty quick. I got to my locker, grabbed my books and made it to Mrs.Emeralds' class an hour early.


"Good-morning, Nubia. Ready to work? I actually didn't expect you this early. What time is it?"

I looked at my wrist watch.

"It's 7"

"Okay then. Let's move some stuff."

She didn't say it was hard work for nothing. I spent the whole hour moving desks and an assortment of weird stuff.

"This is so exciting! I haven't done a project like this since the '90's!"

"So, what exactly is this project?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

I love Mrs.Emerald, but sometimes she just frustrates me. My first class today is math, and we all know how that goes. I walk briskly to math and take a seat. This is the earliest I've ever gotten here, a whole 5 minutes early.

"Okay, students, get your book out and turn to page 432. We're going to be focusing on reviewing the standards today, since your finals are in 2 weeks."

At the exact moment she finishes her sentence, Eli walks in drenched with water.

"Sorry I'm late."

"It's fine. Just don't let it happen again."

Eli walks over and takes the available seat next to me.

"So are you going to explain why you're 10 minutes late and soaked?"

"Well, I got my car stuck in the ditch and my parents weren't home so I had to take my bike. And, if you couldn't tell, it's raining."

"Eli Jones, you are a completely different species. You could have just called me and I would have picked you up."

I looked back at the teacher to see that she was waiting for us to shut up. Whoops.
The class went on like that for 40 more minutes. We were then dismissed, and the class both Eli and I were going to was going to be lit today.

"Alright guys, get ready for the project.", Mrs.Emerald screamed across the classroom.

"We're going to be making hot air balloons out of your common everyday stuff, TISSUE PAPER!! It's going to be really fun, but for the project it work you have to work hard and pay attention to all the directions. When you're ready, grab a packet from up front and begin!"

When I got up front, I found out that all the packets had put names and who we were partnered up with. I searched through the 17 packets until I saw my name sticking out from the pile. Under my name was Eli's name. That meant that Eli and I were going to be partners. I had nothing against Eli, but really?

Hope y'all enjoyed! I know I haven't been on here that much, but I will be writing more because of the fact that the school semester has ended and that it's now break!!! Yay!!


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