Chapter 2 - Fucking Monica Gallagher

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As the hug ended I looked at Lip before Monica and Frank left through the front door with things from my case so I ran after them and Lip followed "leave them your not going to get anything back" Lip said as he placed his hand on my shoulder so we...

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As the hug ended I looked at Lip before Monica and Frank left through the front door with things from my case so I ran after them and Lip followed "leave them your not going to get anything back" Lip said as he placed his hand on my shoulder so we went back inside. "Do you know where Fiona is?" I asked as I looked at Lip "The laundry mat she owns," Lip said as he raised his eyebrows, he clearly wasn't impressed with the fact "She owns a laundry mat," I said as I smiled because I was impressed with the fact that she owned her own business like me "Send me the address," I said before I headed out of the door before walking down the street as I did I put a long hoodie on to cover up my clothes and jewellery so that nothing was on show.

I decided to have a walk to the laundry mat through the south side because it had been a long time since I had walked the streets and it was good to go down memory lane again but as I was walking I could hear someone walking behind me  which wasn't uncommon but if someone even suspects your rich they will rob you without thinking about it as I felt someone grab my bag I grabbed a bottle from my bag hitting whoever it was over the head with it as he fell to the ground I looked down to see a familiar face it was Kev our neighbour and also the owner of the Albi a local bar "ouch what did you hit me for" Kev said not noticing it was me "Jo" Kev said shocked "you ok" I asked because I had just hit him over the head with a bottle.

Before Kev got up from the ground "I'm good" Kev said as he touched his head "I didn't know you were back in town" Kev said "yeah well Lip asked for my help seen as Monica is back being her usual charming self" I said sarcastically "you should be careful you know what the south side is like, especially with a bag like that" Kev said looking at my bag "Thanks" I said as I smiled "So where you going," Kev asked "I'm heading to Fiona's laundry mat," I said. "I will walk you there you can never be too careful in the south side," Kev said as the both of them began to walk "so if I'm not being noisy how much money do you make a year," Kev said as he continued to look at my bag. I knew that he must need money if he was trying to rob someone so I reached for my bag before pulling out my purse and opening it. Then taking out all the money I had and passing it to him.

"What's this for" Kev asked a she began to look at all the money, there must be about 500 dollars there which for a family in the south side "take it for everything you've borrowed for us in the past" I said as he smiled "thanks" Kev said before putting the money in his pocket before we began to walk down the street until we reached Fiona's laundry mat as I looked through the window I saw Frank so I walked in "sold my belongings yet" I said sarcastically as I walked over to Frank and he turned to face me "isn't it the ungrateful one, you turned out alright didn't you with all your money and fancy cars" Frank said as I scoffed before walking past him.

Before walking over to Fiona she knew I was there but pretended I wasn't, "Hey" I said as she still looked the other way "seriously Fiona were not kids anymore you seriously going to ignore me." I said sounding annoyed with her before she began to walk away so I followed her "you left Jo" Fiona said as she quickly turned to face before snapping "i was left to look after kids by myself" Fiona said sounding both annoyed and upset, I understood why she was upset but I needed to make something of myself "I'm sorry that I left ok, but it was the opportunity of a lifetime to make something of myself like you have, I sent you money every month to help but I'm guessing you never got it" I said taking a large deep breathe.

"you've taken up this business venture and many others from what I have heard from Ian. You can't blame me." I said as I looked at her before she pulled me in for a hug which made me smile I missed my family "don't I get a hug." Frank said looking over at us so we ended our hug "fuck off Frank you will just try and steal my wallet or something." I said as I glared at him. "I'm your father," Frank shouted at me from the other side of the room as he stood next to Monica, "You wish Frank your sperm may have created me but your nothing to me" i said annoyed because Frank was a waste of space. "how dare you." Frank said as she stomped over to me before getting in my face again trying to scare me but I was used to him and his drug state by now "get out of my face Frank you don't scare me" I said as I laughed.

Laughing in his face "now Fuck off" I said as he walked away and scoffed "see you later Fiona" I said smiling at her placing my hand on her arm before walking away and heading out the laundry mat before walking home it was nice to walk instead of getting driven everywhere being out in the fresh air. As I arrived home I walked up the steps before heading into the house then the kitchen "Hey" I said as I walked in before grabbing a beer out of the fridge "so I heard your in college" I said as I began to drink my beer with a huge grin on my face "Yeah" Lip said as he sat at the counter. "Well I'm proud" I said which made him smile "thanks" Lip said as he looked at me.

"I know I left and I'm sorry but I was given an opportunity and I had to take it but I regretted it every day because I missed you guys except Frank." I said looking at him which made Lip laugh "I get it now, at first I hated you for it but I understand" Lip said as he closed the fridge. As he did I got up from the chair and walked over to him before hugging him and he hugged me back Lip was the sibling that reminded me of myself, he was smart but loyal and kind. "I've missed you too Jo" Lip said which made me cry a little "I have to go," Lip said before we ended our hug "but I will see you later," Lip said but before he left I took some money out of my purse and passed it to him "I don't need your money." Lip said sounding a little annoyed.
End Of Chapter 2

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